🌊Chapter Eight🌊

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Y/n's POV

I bended bubbles of water around our heads that were filled with air.
Zuko dove into the water. I dove in after him.

We followed the turtle seals underwater.

Soon, we found where they resurfaced in a cave, my bending wearing off once we were in the fresh air.
Zuko got out the water no problem.
I struggled getting out; I couldn't get a grip on anything.

"Here." Zuko said, shivering, offering me his hand.

I took it, letting him pull me out the water.
He stumbled backwards as I came out, causing us to fall over. I fell on top of him, then quickly moved away, embarrassed.

We were both freezing. We sat there a moment, huddled together by a fire in Zuko's hands.

The fire went out as Zuko stood up.

"Come on, let's keep moving." He said, pulling his face cover back on.

"Okay." I whispered, standing up and pulling on my hood.

He found a way for us to climb out the cave.

We ended up in the city. I looked around for anyone patrolling.
I couldn't see anyone, but I heard voices.

"Zuko, do you hear that?" I whispered.

He nodded his head.

"That sounds like the Avatar's little girlfriend." He said, walking towards the voice. "Y/n, I want you to stay hidden."

I frowned.

"Why?" I asked. "I want to help you."

"And you'll help me by staying out my way." He glared at me.

I nodded my head, looking away.

"Yes, Prince Zuko." I whispered.

We found part of a wall with a crawl space as a door to a hidden area. I stayed outside of it while Zuko crawled in.

"He's my friend. I'm perfectly capable of protecting him." I heard a girl say.

"Well, aren't you a big girl now." Zuko mocked her.
I smiled from where I hid.

"No..." She said, horrified.

"Hand him over and I won't have to hurt you." Zuko said to her.

I could hear the sounds of water being splashed, along with a loud thud. I peeked inside.
She's a water bender! I thought, amazed.

I had never seen another waterbender. Then again, we were currently in the North Pole. Of course there would be other benders.

I saw Zuko on the ground, standing up.

I started to worry.

"I see you've learned a new trick. But I didn't come this far to lose to you." He said, blasting fire at her.

I closed my eyes, looking away.

"You little peasant. You've found a master, haven't you?" His voice rang through the air.

He called her a peasant. I thought, holding back my laughter.

Suddenly, all the noises died down.

I looked in.
She had frozen him to the wall with ice.

"No!" I shouted as I ran in.
The girl looked at me, shocked. I bended water from around us at her like a whip.
She countered, doing the same.

"Who are you?!" She shouted. "Why are you attacking me?!"

The sun began to rise.

Me and the girl seemed evenly matched. I panicked, unable to think of what to do.

Zuko's eyes are closed. That means... I blew a gust of air at her, slamming her into the wall.

Her eyes widened. I bended water as she began to run at me, creating ice around her.

Zuko unfroze himself and bended fire at her, knocking her into a tree.
She fell unconscious.

"You rise with the moon. I rise with the sun." He mumbled, grabbing the boy.
He had glowing blue arrows.

That must be the Avatar. But he's just a little boy.

Zuko began to walk away with the boy on his back.

"U-um, Zuko-" I started.

"No!" He shouted, interrupting me.

I flinched.

"Why are you yelling at me?!" I shouted back, teary eyed.

"Because I told you to stay hidden. Again, you didn't listen!" He barked at me.

A snowstorm started up as we treked up the mountainside.

"I was just trying to help!" I argued.

"What if you had gotten hurt?!" He said angrily.
I paused, blinking. He sighed, his breath appearing in the air around him.
"I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself." He said quietly.

The snow began to deepen.

"And what if you had gotten hurt?" I said, just loud enough for him to hear. "Ever since I woke up, you and your uncle have been my everything!" My voice got louder.

He didnt respond. Instead, he kept walking.

I shivered from the cold.

Zuko took a step and the ground under him began quaking.

It wasn't ground.

It was ice.

"Run!" He shouted at me.

I took off running behind him.
The ice collapsed behind us, sending us both flying forward. I crashed into the ground, hitting my head on a chunk of ice.

"Ow..." I groaned, rolling over.

"Y/n, are you alright?!" Zuko shouted at me, worried.

"Yeah, I'm fine.." I mumbled, standing up and rubbing the spot where I hit my head.

"Look, there's a cave up ahead. Let's get out of the storm." He said to me, dragging the boy behind him.

I followed.

Once we were in the cave, he tied up the Avatar and left him in the middle of the cave.
I went further in and slid down the wall, hugging my knees.

I'm so cold... I thought, shaking.
Zuko started a fire, then came closer to me, sitting down beside me.

"Here." He said, pulling me onto his lap.

I looked at him, shocked.
He held my hands in his. They became hot.
I shivered as I felt his entire body begin radiating heat. I leaned into his chest.

"Th-thank you." I whispered, smiling softly.
I looked up at him.

His face was close to mine.

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