🏔Chapter Twenty-five🏔

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Y/n's POV

I gulped after voicing my thoughts٫ hiding my face in the crook of his neck.

He gently pushed me over٫ rolling to hover on top of me٫ leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"I love you, too." He said, a smirk on his lips.

I grinned sheepishly٫ wrapping my arms around his neck٫ pulling him into a sweet٫ passionate kiss.


The Next Morning

I rolled over٫ half asleep.

"Mhhhh." I groaned٫ going to roll over again٫ but was restricted.
I frowned٫ trying to roll over again٫ but was restricted by a large fleshy lump.

"Hey...quit squishing me." A voice grumbled.

I felt something wrap around me٫ then something warm touch my forehead.

I rubbed my eyes and slowly opened them٫ suddenly remembering where I was.

Right. We're in Ba Sing Se. I smiled٫ cuddling into the boy. Zuko's in my bed.

"Hehe." I giggled quietly.

"What?" He asked sleepily.

"The future Fire Lord is in my bed." I grinned٫ tilting my head to kiss him along his collarbone. He pulled me closer to him.
"Hey٫ we have to go work at the shop today." I said.

"Just five more minutes." He said٫ snuggling his face into my hair.


After I finally got Zuko out of bed٫ we got dressed and headed down to the shop together. Iroh was already serving once we arrived.

After a few hours of working٫ Zuko pulled me and Iroh to the side.

"We have a problem." He said quietly٫ seeming panicked.

"What?" I asked٫ confused.

"One of the customers' is onto us. Don't look now٫ but there's a girl over there at the corner table. She knows we're Fire Nation."

I looked at the girl٫ who was sat in the corner of the shop٫ drinking tea.

Hmph. I know that look anywhere. I frowned.

She had the same look on her face that I constantly wore when I was around Zuko.
She was smiling, drinking her tea, a light blush dusting her cheeks.

There's no way she's getting my man.

"So you spilled a cup of tea in the back. It's nothing to worry about٫ babe." I said loudly٫ wrapping his arm around me. "I'll go clean it up." I smiled٫ subtly glancing at the girl.

I had gotten her attention.

"Y/n٫ what are you doing?" Zuko whispered-yellled at me.

"Taking care of her٫ obviously. She likes you." I frowned. "I know that look anywhere. Girl instincts, trust me."

"Thank you for the tea." The girl said٫ suddenly at the other side of the register.

Zuko went to go to her٫ but I got in the way٫ putting her money in the register.

She looked right past me. "What's your name?"

"My name's Lee." Zuko said٫ stepping forward. "My uncle and I just moved here."

My eyebrows knitted together.
That's not the story we were sticking by٫ mister. I thought٫ clenching my fists.
Breathe٫ Y/n. Calm down. Let's just see how this plays out.

"Hi Lee. My name's Jin." She smiled. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out some time."

My eye twitched.

"I'm sure he'd love to." I grumbled٫ turning away and walking into the back.

"Uh...I guess?" Zuko said.

"Great! I'll meet you in front of the shop at sundown." The girl said happily.

I scoffed.

What the fuck is going on? I frowned.

"I'm taking the rest of the day off." I shouted from the back٫ leaving my apron on the counter as I walked out.

I roamed the streets for a few minutes٫ then sighed.
I thought this would make me feel better but now I just feel lonelier.
I turned to go back to the tea shop٫ when I saw another small shop that caught my eye.
I should stop by there sometime. I thought٫ smiling softly.

I went back to the apartment and napped on the couch.


I rolled over٫ opening my eyes.

"Iroh?" I questioned٫ sitting up.
He was washing the dishes. I looked outside; It was now dark. I knew I would regret my next sentence.
"...Where's Zuko?" I asked.

"..." At first he was silent. "He went on the date٫ like you said to." He finally said.
I stood up defensively.

"I did not say to go on the date! Besides٫ it's his fault for not sticking with the original plan!" I argued.

"You weren't part of the original plan!" He shouted at me.
I froze. He took a deep breath٫ turning around to face me.
"Y/n٫ you and I both know you can never truly be with Zuko."

"Why can't I?" I asked٫ my voice shakey.

"There aren't supposed to be two Avatars. You must consider the facts. You shouldn't be here." He explained.

"Well I am here!" I snapped٫ tears welling up in my eyes. "I don't care what you say. I care about Zuko! And you've said it yourself that he cares about me!" I walked to the door after grabbing my bag. "I'm going out." I said٫ opening the door and slamming it behind me.

I began sprinting down the road.
I have to find them. I thought٫ sniffling. I just want to see what's happening.

It was then I heard his voice.

"Close your eyes. And don't peak."

I walked towards the voice٫ my legs shaking. I felt sick to my stomach.
Looking around the corner٫ I saw them.
The girl from the shop.

My mouth fell agape. He was using his firebending to light the lanterns.
The same way he did for me with my candles.
More tears filled my eyes as I remembered our conversation barely 24 hours ago.


"That trick is for me and me alone." I leaned down and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Of course." He said٫ a smile on his lips.


"Okay. Now you can look." Zuko said to the girl. She uncovered her eyes.

"Oh٫ wow..." She gaped٫ looking around at the lit lanterns. "What happened? How did they light? What did you..."

Zuko smiled at the girl.

I clenched my fists٫ my fingernails digging into my palms.
I looked away٫ taking a deep breath.
It's not what it looks like.
It's not what it looks like.
It's not what it looks like.

I looked around the corner.

My stomach dropped.

My heart sank.


A moment passed as the girl pulled away. I watched in disbelief as Zuko leaned back in to kiss her.

Tears streamed down my face.

The lanterns went out.

The water in the fountain froze.

I turned around and began running back the direction I had come from.

I couldn't hear anything from behind me. Zuko wasn't following me.

I ran down the street٫ passing the apartment. I stopped outside the shop I had seen earlier. I wiped away my tears before walking inside.

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