🏔Chapter Fifteen🏔

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Y/n's POV

"I can't do this anymore. Let's just sell one of the ostrich horses." I said, sighing.

We were in a town, on the streets begging.

"This is humiliating." Zuko said angrily.

We had been here for hours but only had a few coins.
A man came up to us.

"How about some entertainment in exchange for...a gold piece." He said, holding it out to us.

"We're not performers." Zuko frowned at him.

"Not professional, anyway." Iroh, said, standing up.
He began singing.

"Uncle, stop it." I said.

Whenever we were in town, we went by the charade I had previously come up with.

"Come on, we're talking a gold piece here!" The man said, pulling out two swords. "Let's see some action. Dance." He said to Iroh.

Zuko glared daggers at him.

He began slashing his swords at Iroh's feet. Zuko gripped his knees, shaking from anger.
I put my hand over his, running my thumb over his knuckle, trying to calm him.

"Hahahahah! Nothing like a fat old man dancing for his dinner. Here you go." He tossed the coin into our hat and began to walk away.

Once he was a few feet away٫ I gathered water from the air and threw it straight at his back, soaking him.

"Hey, jerk." I said, frowning at him.
He gripped his swords tightly.
"Apologize to my uncle." I demanded.

He turned around.

"I gave you a gold coin, and you're telling me to apologize?" He said to me. "Your uncle should apologize for such horrible dancing."

I gritted my teeth, creating another ball of water and throwing it at him.

"Come closer to me and say that, you trash. I dare you." I challenged him, bending water from the air and nearby barrels, surrounding myself with it.

"With pleasure." He said, charging at me with his swords.

I ducked and dodged, never landing an actual hit on him.

I made a rod of ice and put it in front of his foot, tripping him.
He hit the ground with a loud thump.

Everyone around us stared at him, whispering.

"He was beat by a girl." Someone laughed.

"How embarrassing." Someome else chuckled.

"She didn't even touch him."

He gritted his teeth, standing up and running off.

I bended the water back into the barrels, turning and sitting next to Zuko, a smile on my face.

"Y/n." He said quietly, smiling at me.
My smile turned to a grin as I held up the small sack of coins I swiped from the guy.
"That was sneaky. I like it." He said.

I blushed, turning away.

"A-anyway, if we sell one of the ostrich horses, we should have plenty of money." I said, standing back up. I picked up the rope to one of the creatures, standing it up. "I'll be back soon." I said as I walked off.


I returned an hour later, another bag of money in hand.

"That ostrich horse sold for a good bit of coins." I said, smiling.

The sun would soon set.

We moved to the outskirts of town, into a cave. I divided the money up three ways. Zuko started a fire, then said he was going for a walk.

I walked back into the cave carrying a load of firewood.

"Iroh, you should rest." I said to him, laying my coat on the ground for him.

"You know, Y/n." He began. "I would've loved if my niece were as gentle as you are." He layed down on my coat.

I smiled.

A while later, Zuko came back. Iroh had been asleep for an hour or so, so I was poking at the fire boredly.
Beforehand I had practiced some firebending with Iroh.

Zuko held two dual swords.

"Y/n, you're still awake." He said, surprised, hiding them behind him.

I stayed sitting.

"You swiped those from that guy, didn't you?" I asked him٫ a mischievous smile on my face.
He stayed quiet.

"Don't tell uncle." He finally said, hiding them in a hollowed out log.
I nodded my head.

"You came back late. Come lay down." I whined jokingly.
He smiled and layed down beside me.


Zuko had been going out a lot lately. Not that I was complaining; I got to work on all my bending with additional help from Iroh.
Plus, each time Zuko left he came back with different supplies.
Today, it was delicious pastries.

Almost as soon as he came back, he left again.

It does suck not seeing him as much. I sighed by the fire, looking at a flame flickering in my palm.

"You should be more careful with your bending." Iroh said from behind me.
I softly clenched my hand to extinguish the flame and looked up at him, then back at the fire.

"Through everything that happened, I managed to keep some scrolls." I said, reaching for my bag. I pulled out four scrolls; one for each element. "I've memorized everything here." I stood up. "I can sell these for more money."

"No, Y/n." Iroh said. "Keep your scrolls. We have plenty of things already, plenty of money. Keep some things that belong to you." He reassured me. I smiled softly.

"Yes, sir."

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