🏔Chapter Thirty-two🏔

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Y/n's POV

I sat between Zuko and Iroh at the table.

Iroh poured tea into a cup.

"What's taking so long?" Zuko asked, annoyed.

Something isn't right. I glanced around the room.

"Maybe the Earth King overslept?" Iroh suggested.

Men suddenly entered the room. More than 10 men began to surround us.

I stood up, bending the hot tea into the air.

"Y/n-" Iroh began.

"What's going on?" I demanded.

"It's tea time." A familiar voice said.

No. I thought, horrified.

Zuko stood up.

"Azula!" He shouted.

"Have you met the Dai Li?" She asked.

I bended the hot tea towards her. She ducked, easily dodging it. I froze the tea to the wall.

"Zuko, now!" I shouted.

He smirked, then shot fire at the ice. Steam instantly filled the room.

"Let's go!" I shouted.

Zuko blasted a hole through the wall, grabbing my hand and dragging me behind him. Iroh followed close behind us.

Rocks smashed into the walls behind us.

Iroh shot lightning at the wall infront of us, creating a large hole.
I bended water out my hidden pouch, making an ice slide down to the ground.

Iroh slid down first.

I went second.

After reaching the ground, I looked up at Zuko.

"Hey! Come on!" I shouted, standing at the bottom waiting for him.

He blasted fire at the slide, melting it.

"What are you doing?!" I shouted, my eyes going wide.

"I'm tired of running." He said.

"Don't be stupid!" I shouted back.

He turned his back to us.

"It's time I finally faced Azula."

His back soon disappeared as he took off running.

"Iroh, what do we do?!" I asked him, panicking.

"I don't know." He replied, seemingly worried.

"If we don't do anything, he'll get captured!" I shouted.

"I know!" He shouted back, then sighed. "I...have an idea."


We stood outside the door to a house, whose side looked like it had been destroyed.

"Who's house is this?" I asked. "Will they help us?"

"I'm not sure. But Y/n, do not say anything. Let me do the talking." His voice was stern.

I nodded my head, confused.

He knocked on the door.

The door opened.

"Glad to see you're okay." A familiar young girl said to Iroh. "You, not so much." She pointed to me.

"You?!" I shouted, then looked at Iroh. "Wait, you KNOW her?!"

"Y/n, quiet." He said. "We..need your help." He said to her.

Sokka and Aang stood behind her, shocked.

"You guys know eachother?!" Aang shouted.

"I met him in the woods once. He gave me tea and some very good advice." She smiled.

"What about her?" Sokka asked.

"Well, she's actually the one who encouraged me to try metal bending." Toph said. "Wait, how did you escape the metal cage?" She asked me, pointing at me.

"May we come in?" Iroh asked.

Toph nodded.

We walked inside, and she closed the door.

"Azula's in Ba Sing Se!" I shouted.

"What?!" Aang and Sokka shouted.

"Y/n." Iroh signed.

"I'm sorry, I'm panicking. Okay. Let me restart." I said, taking a breath. "Princess Azula is here in Ba Sing Se, and she captured Zuko. She's controlling the Dai Li." I said.

"She must have Katara!" Aang shouted.

"If Katara is missing, then she's probably wherever Zuko is." I said quietly.

"Alright. We'll work together to fight Azula, and save Katara and Zuko." Aang said.

"Woah there." Sokka said, walking closer to us. "You lost me at 'Zuko'."

"I know how you must feel about my nephew." Iroh said, looking down. "But please. Believe me when I say there is good inside him." He looked back up at the boy and smiled.

I looked at Sokka.

"Good inside isn't enough." He said, shoving Iroh away.

"Hey!" I shouted angrily at him, slapping his arm. "I personally don't think it's up to you to decide."
I got closer to Sokka, standing less than a foot away.
"You don't want to go, fine. You can stay. But I'm sure Aang wants to save Katara as much as I want to save Zuko."

"She's right." Aang admitted. "Katara's in trouble. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble." He said to his friend.

"Right now, working together is our best option." I sighed.

"Mmm..." Sokka, though obviously displeased, reluctantly agreed.

"I have someone who can help." I smiled, walking to the door.

Toph was the first to follow behind me.

"Wow." She said, sounding a bit impressed.

A Dai Li agent sat tied up on the porch and surrounded by ice.

The others soon joined us outside, seeing the agent.

"I think I might not hate you now." Toph said, jokingly punching me in my arm.

Iroh walked up to him and pulled down the cloth covering his mouth.

"Azula and Long Feng are plotting a coup." He said, sweating. "They're going to over-throw the Earth King."

"Where are they keeping Zuko?!" I shouted.

"In the crystal catacombs of old Ba Sing Se beneath the palace." He said, shaking.

"Is Katara there too?" Aang asked.

The man nodded.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go save them." I grinned.

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