🏔Chapter Twenty-three •Lime•🏔

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Y/n's POV

"Jet٫ you're crazy!" I shouted٫ watching the two boys fight.

"You're mistaken٫ boy!" Iroh said loudly.

They won't stop...what can I do?! I thought٫ panicking.
I took a deep breath and raised my hands. Jet stopped moving.
Zuko glanced at me and backed away from him.

"Look! The Fire Nation is using their hostage to restrict me!" Jet shouted. "Arrest them!"

Zuko was now by my side. He had dropped the swords he was using to fight Jet.

"Why haven't you taken him away yet?!" Zuko shouted at the soldiers.

I hesitated.

Jet hasn't really done anything wrong. I can't just not like him. I thought٫ frowning.
I released him from my grip٫ pretending to fall onto the ground.
I looked up at him. He looked at me٫ then ran out the door.

"After him!" A guard shouted.

"Y/n٫ are you okay?!" Zuko asked٫ crouching beside me.

"I'm fine. But٫ the shop..." I whimpered٫ picking up shards of a broken plate. I accidentally sliced my finger on one's edge٫ a drop of blood forming. "Ow..." I mumbled.

"Y/n٫ be careful." Zuko said٫ kneeling beside me. "Are you alright? Let me see." He said٫ gently grabbing my wrist.

"It's just a small cut. I can heal it." I shrugged.

"Uncle٫ I'm taking Y/n back to the apartment. Come on." He said٫ dragging me out the shop.

"Okay." I mumbled٫ knowing I had no choice.


"Here." Zuko said٫ bringing me a bowl of fresh water.
We were both sat at the kitchen table.
I bended the water to around my finger and quickly healed the small cut.

"There٫ it's better. We should go help Iroh clean up the shop now." I said٫ standing up and walking to the kitchen٫ putting the bowl in the sink.
I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry I shoved you." Zuko mumbled in my ear.
I blushed٫ smiling.

"It's fine. It's not like you did it to hurt me." I said٫ turning around and wrapping my arms around his neck.
He glanced at my lips. Slowly leaning down٫ he gently placed his lips on mine.
The sudden warmth surprised me.
He trailed his kisses down my neck٫ where he stopped٫ his tongue gliding over a spot on my neck as he began sucking.

"H-hey... Zuko..." I said quietly٫ biting my lip. "What are..you..doing..?" My voice quivered٫ my legs skaking slightly under me.
I felt his hot breath against my neck.

"I told you I would make you mine when I had the chance٫ didn't I?" He pushed me against the counter٫ his body pressing against mine. "Ah..." He quietly gasped.

"Z-Zuko!" I gasped٫ feeling something press against my inner thigh. He burried his face into the crook of my neck.

"Hey... It's not like I can control it." He said defensively٫ beginning to move away.

"Hey٫ wait!" I said٫ moving my hands to wrap around his waist and pull him back into me. We both gasped٫ Zuko letting out a low groan. "Ah٫ sorry!" I said٫ blushing٫ hiding my face in his chest.
I could hear his heart beat racing.
I felt every sharp breath he took in.

Zuko's breathing pretty heavily right now... I thought٫ feeling my face getting hotter.
I bit my lip٫ hesitant. I began pressing myself closer to him٫ sharply inhaling at the sudden contact down lower.

His arms linked around my waist٫ his hands resting above my ass.

"Y/n٫ what are you doing?" He breathed out.

"I-I don't know." I admitted. "But judging by your reaction٫ you must've liked it." I said cockily.
He chuckled.

I felt myself being lifted up.
Suddenly٫ I was sitting on the counter٫ my legs wrapped around Zuko's lower body٫ my arms around his neck.
He peered into my e/c eyes with his deep golden ones.
He cupped my cheek٫ his thumb softly running over it as he gently pulled my face to his٫ placing a small kiss on my lips.
My eyes closed٫ savoring the way he felt.
The way he tasted.
Seconds later٫ he pulled away٫ panting lightly.

I pulled his face back to mine٫ pressing my lips against his٫ pulling myself closer to his body with my legs. His lips began to slowly move against mine.
My fingers found their way into his hair٫ gently tugging at his dark locks. I teasingly licked his bottom lip.
His hands trailed down my body to rest firmly on my hips٫ pulling me to him.
His hardness rubbed against my inner thigh.
I gasped٫ momentarily parting my lips. His tongue slid between them٫ his wet muscle dancing with mine.

I heard footsteps approaching from outside.

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