🔥Chapter Sixty-four🔥

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Y/n's POV

I began to wander back towards the house.

Everyone's there? I thought, confused. Still no Aang. Did they give up?

As I got closer, Zuko looked up, making eye contact with me.

"Y/n!" He shouted, standing up. "Where have you been?"

"I was in the woods, obviously." I replied.

"You were gone for hours." Suki said.

I paused.


"That can't be right." I mumbled, frowning. "My conversation with Roku was barely five minutes long." I looked back up at the group. "Something must be wrong with my connections with my past lives. I was trying to see if I could get in touch with Aang, but got Roku instead."

"Well, what did he say? Does he know where Twinkle Toes is?" Toph asked me.

I shook my head.

"Roku... didn't seem to care about Aang." I said. "He told me fighting the Firelord is my destiny, not Aangs."

Katara rolled her eyes.

"Wait, has anyone seen Momo?" Toph asked.

"Oh no.." Sokka said. "I knew it was only a matter of time."

"What?" I asked.

"Appa ate Momo!" He said, crawling into his mouth. "Momo, I'm coming for you buddy!"

"Get out of the bison's mouth, Sokka." Zuko said. "We need to find Aang. The comet is only two days away."

"What should we do, Zuko?" Katara asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "Why are you all looking at me?"

"Well, you and Y/n are kind of experts on tracking Aang." Katara said.

"If anyone's got experience hunting the Avatar, it's you guys." Toph agreed.

"Alright." Zuko said. "Everyone on the bison. Now."


"Zuko, we've been flying for hours." I groaned. "Where are we going?"

"The Earth Kingdom." He replied.

"I don't wanna tell you how to do your job, but why are we heading towards the Earth Kingdom?" Sokka asked.

"Just trust me." He said, glancing back at everyone. "We're almost there."

As Zuko had said, after a bit more time passed, we landed in a forest outside a building.

Dismounting from Appa, we all headed inside.

"You brought us all the way to the Earth Kingdom for a tavern?" Katara asked.

He shook his head.

"June." He said, pointing straight ahead of us at a women with black hair.

"Oh, yeah. That weird bounty hunter with the giant mole." Sokka said.

"Mole? Her skin is flawless." Suki stated.

"No no, she has this giant mole-creature she rides around on." Sokka explained to her.

"The shirshu." Zuko corrected.

"Why haven't I heard of her before?" I muttered, crossing my arms.

"It's the only animal that can track Aang's scent anywhere in the world. It's the one shot we have at finding him."

I took a few steps closer to Zuko so I could hold onto his arm.

We began to walk toward her.

"Oh, great." She said sarcastically. "It's Prince Pouty."

I stifled a laugh.

"Where's your creepy grandpa?" She asked.

"He's my uncle." Zuko replied. "And he's not here."

They don't seem to get along very well. I thought, holding onto his arm tighter.

"What do you want?" She asked, taking a sip of her drink.

"I need your help finding the Avatar."

"Hm," She said, taking another drink. "Doesn't sound too fun."

"Please." I said. "Bad things are going to happen if we don't find him."

The woman finally complied, taking us outside.

"Nyla~" June said, holding up a steak to the shirshu.
She tossed the steak at Nyla, who grabbed it mid-air and swallowed it whole.
"Okay, who's got something with the Avatar's scent on it?" She asked.

"I have Aang's staff." Katara said, getting it off Appa's saddle.

Nyla began to sniff the staff, then started walking in circles sniffing the air. The shirshu then layed on the ground and began whining, covering her nose.

"What does that mean?" I asked, looking at June.

"It means your friend's gone." She said, petting Nyla.

"We know he's gone." Toph said. "That's why we're trying to find him."

"I mean he's gone-gone." June said. "He doesn't exist."

"How can he not exist?" I asked, confused.

"Beats me." June shrugged.

"Do you mean he's...dead?" Sokka asked.

"If he were dead, Nyla could find him." June said. "It's a real headscratcher. Oh well." She began to leave.

"Wait." Zuko said. "There's one other person who may know where Aang is."

"Who?" I asked.

"...My uncle." He replied. "I'll be right back with a smell sample."

"Wait." I said, grabbing his shirt. "I have one."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out a shell.

"This has Iroh's smell on it." I said, smiling softly at it. "He gave it to me a long time ago with some really good advice."

Nyla lunged towards me to sniff the shell, then took off running.

"Wait up!" I shouted, hopping onto Appa with my airbending. "Guys, let's go!"

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