🌊Chapter One ~Season One Start~🌊

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Y/n's POV

Turning onto my side, shivering, I felt myself being tucked in by someone.

A voice spoke up from across the room.

"How much longer until she wakes up?" An impatient voice demanded.

"Shhh." Someone else said. "She's cold, Prince Zuko."
This voice was deeper than the other in the room.
It was also closer; most likely the one who put the blanket on me.

"Your point?!" He barked.

"You should warm her up." He said.

I groaned, moving around.

"C-cold..." I whispered.
My eyes barely opened as I tried examining the room.

Everything looked blurry. I barely had any energy.
I heard the boy across the room sigh.

"Uncle, get out. I'll take care of her." He said.

I saw his blurry figure moving closer to me.

"Of course. Be good to her, Prince Zuko." He chuckled softly, leaving and closing what sounded like a metal door.

"You'll be warmer soon." The boy said.

I saw his figure moving closer, then saw him toss something to the side.

My eyes closed unwillingly.

I felt the blanket move and the weight on the bed shift as he crawled onto the bed with me. Heat radiated off of him.

"This bed is small. Stay close so you don't fall off." He ordered.

I unknowingly snuggled closer to the warmth, burrying my face into his chest.
I felt him tense under me, relaxing a few moments later. Strong arms wrapped around me.

My breathing pattern changed to match his as I drifted off into sleep.


"Mmm..." I groaned quietly.

I felt oddly warm. I moved as close as I could to the source of heat.

Weird, it almost feels like a person. I thought, smiling at the stupid thought.
I opened my eyes, them widening in shock. It is a person!

I layed still in fear of waking him up.

How did I get here? Why is he shirtless?

I examined the boy's face.

A scar covered his left eye.
His hair was pulled back into a dark ponytail.

I slowly reached up, gently cupping his cheek, tracing it's shape with my thumb.
His eyelids twitched as his body shifted slightly.

"Mhh.." His eyes opened slowly, locking with mine. He quickly sat up. "You!" He exclaimed. "You're awake!"

I dove off the bed, scrambling to get up.

"Wait!" He shouted, jumping off the bed to try to catch up with me.

I lunged towards the door and struggled opening it, quickly running out once it budged.
I ran down a hallway, passing many closed doors.
I saw a light at the end of the hall.

"Stop!" He shouted behind me. "Stop running!"

"Stop chasing!" I shouted back, diving into the light.
I froze once I was out.

Everything around me was snow and water.

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