🌊Chapter Ten ~Season One End~🌊

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Y/n's POV

The bald boy had ended up getting both me and Zuko onto the creature's saddle.
We were flying through the sky on it's back.

"So..." Ponytail boy said, poking the ice around me with the end of his boomerang. "Why are you helping Zuko?"

I stayed quiet.

"Fine, don't answer." He shrugged.
There were a few moments of awkward silence.

"Hey..." Katara said quietly from where she sat, looking up at me. "Earlier, in the oasis..." She began, then stopped herself, looking away. "Nevermind, it's stupid."

"Katara? What's wrong?" Aang asked her.

"Earlier...I thought I saw her airbend." Katara looked up at me.

"That's not possible. All the Air Nomads were wiped out." Ponytail boy said. "Besides, we all saw her waterbend."

"I know that, Sokka. But I know what I saw. She airbended!"

"I'm a waterbender. Not an airbender." I said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
I winced as the moon darkened, feeling a pain inside me.

"I feel faint." A white haired girl said.

"I feel it too." The Avatar said. "The moon spirit is in trouble."

I looked down at Zuko. He was still shaking. Still unconscious.

"He's cold. Please, let me warm him." I said, trying to move.

"No way. What if you attack us?" Ponytail boy said.

"He's unconscious. I have no reason to attack you." I frowned at him.

"That's even more reason to attack us!" He shouted. "You're staying in the ice, and that's final." He said.

Soon, we landed.
Zhao and his men were by the oasis.

The Avatar and his friends jumped off the animal, standing in front of the men and drawing their weapons.

"Don't bother." Zhao said, holding his fist to a squirming bag.

The moon spirit was in there.

"Zhao, don't." Aang said, dropping his glider.

Everyone was distracted.

I took a deep, quiet breath, concentrating on my center. On heat.

The ice around me began to slowly thaw.

"He is right, Zhao."

I looked up at the familiar voice.
Iroh...! I smiled.

"General Iroh. Why am I not surprised to discover your treachery?"Zhao said unhappily.

"I'm no traitor, Zhao. The Fire Nation needs the moon too. We all depend on the balance. What ever you do to that spirit, I'll unleash on you ten fold! Let it go! Now!" Iroh shouted.

Zhao hesitated, then put the spirit back into the water. The moon turned back to normal.

He frowned.

He shouted, blasting the fish with fire.

The moon turned dark. All I could see was flames being shot and quickly fading.

I couldn't melt myself anymore; I didn't want to risk someone seeing my flames. I tried squirming. I still could barely move.

I felt a familiar whisper in my ear.

"Need some help?" It said.

I felt my face light up with joy.

"Zuko!" I whispered happily.

"Shh. Here." He said, putting his hands on the ice.
He began to melt the ice around me, thawing me out.

Guilt suddenly washed over me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I couldn't help you. You were hurt because of me."

"Don't worry about it. Let's go." He whispered, grabbing my hand and dragging me off the animal.

We ran out the hidden oasis room. While running, I saw Zhao. Zuko ran at him, blasting fire at him.

"You're alive?!" He shouted.

"You tried to have me killed!" Zuko shouted back, shooting more fire at him.

"Yes I did. You're the blue spirit. An enemy of the Fire Nation. You freed the Avatar!" Zhao said, angry.

I looked at Zuko.

He...freed the Avatar? But I thought he wanted to catch him?

"I had no choice." Zuko said angrily.

They kept blasting fire at one another. They were standing on a bridge, surrounded by water.

"You should've chosen to accept your failure. Your disgrace. Then at least you could've lived!" Zhao lunged at Zuko.

Anger boiled inside me. I wanted to do something, but I held myself back.

I don't want Zuko mad at me. I thought, clenching my fists.

The moon started to glow.

Zhao was grabbed by a blue water creature. Zuko ran into the edge of the bridge.

"Take my hand!" He shouted at Zhao, reaching out to him.

Zhao pulled his hand away.

He was dragged underwater.

Zuko stared down at where Zhao was submerged.

I hesitantly walked up behind him, putting a hand on his shoulder.
"Zuko..." I whispered.

"..." He kept staring at the water. "..let's go." He finally said, turning around and beginning to walk away.

"...yes, my Prince." I said, following behind him.


I sat on the hard wood, looking at the ice as we sailed by it.
Zuko, Iroh and I were on a makeshift boat made out of a wooden slab and a sail.

Zuko stood on the edge, looking out at the water.

"I'm surprised, Prince Zuko." Iroh began. "Suprised that you're not at this moment trying to capture the Avatar."

"...I'm tired." Zuko said.

"You haven't slept all night." I said quietly. "Here." I took off my heavy fur coat and folded it up, putting it on the wood for a pillow. "You need rest."

Zuko looked at me and smiled softly, laying down on my coat.

"You should rest, too, Y/n." Iroh said to me.

I nodded my head.

"Yes, sir." I smiled softly at him, laying on the wood.

"Y/n, come here." Zuko said. "You use the coat." He tried to give it to me to use.

"Let's just share it, dummy." I said, putting it back down.
I layed my head on the edge of it, patting the empty space next to me. He smiled softly.

"Alright." He said, laying there.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close to him before falling asleep.

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