🔥Chapter Thirty-seven🔥

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Y/n's POV

"Alright, let's see..." I mumbled, looking at the map.

After taking a small boat and walking a few days, I had gotten myself lost.

"I don't get it. The map says it should be right here." I groaned with frustration. "Where the hell is the Western Air Temple?!"

Suddenly, I heard voices below me.

"Oh, yeah, that's great. No problem, I'll just do that!" I heard a young boy's voice say.

It's Aang!

I began running towards the cliffs edge, and thats when I saw it. The Western Air Temple.

I was reading the map right! It was below me the whole time!

I began climbing down the cliff side, when I slipped, beginning to fall.

I earthbended a small platform to catch myself on.

I then saw the group.
Aang, Katara, Toph and Sokka were all sitting by a fountain. It seemed they hadn't noticed me yet.

I silently got onto the ground and began to approach them.

"Um, guys?" Toph said.

"Not now, Toph." Katara told her.

"It's not even gonna be possible." Aang said, irritated. "Where am I supposed to get a firebending teacher?!"

"I could help with that." I said, smiling.

Three heads snapped towards me, while Toph stayed with her head tilted towards the ground.

"That's what I was trying to tell you." She sighed.

"What are you doing here?!" Sokka shouted at me.

"Do you want the short version or the long version?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

They looked puzzled.

"The short version will work." Aang said.

"Alright. After what happened in Ba Sing Se, Zuko joined Azula and I was thrown in jail." I said, looking at the ground. "I broke out a few days ago and I decided I'd like to help Aang."

"And why would we want your help?" Sokka asked me.

"Because I overheard that you're in need of a firebender, and I believe I can help you with that." I grinned.

"How would you help with that?" Toph asked me.

"Yeah." Aang agreed. "You're a waterbender. I already have a waterbending teacher." He gestured towards Katara.

I stopped a moment to think, then looked at Katara.

"Katara." I said, standing straighter. "You remember what happened in the North Pole, right?"

"Yeah, you helped Zuko take Aang." She said, irritated, rolling her eyes. Her eyes then widened. "And I saw you airbend!" She shouted, pointing at me.

I nodded my head.

"Katara was telling the truth when she said she saw me airbend." I said, walking closer to the group. "No one else besides Iroh knew. Until now, that is."

I bended water from the fountain around Katara.
"Water." I said, then made a small gust of air towards Aang with my hand. "Air." I then bended rocks around Toph. "Earth."

I made a small flame in my palm.

"Fire." I grinned.

They stared at me.

"How is that possible?!" Sokka shouted.

"There can only be one Avatar at a time. How are there two?" Aang asked, confused.

"I have a theory about that, actually." I said, sitting down with them.

"Well? Let's hear it." Toph said.

"Aang was frozen in the ice for a long time. Maybe him being in the ice for so long disrupted the cycle of the Avatar. The next Avatar would be from the Water Tribe. The only thing is that, well, I haven't been able to go into the Avatar state yet." I explained.

"You can't go into the Avatar state?" Aang asked, more confused.

I shook my head.

"So the Avatar was hunting down the Avatar? How ironic." Katara laughed.

I gulped, looking down.

"Zuko found me half frozen to death in the snow." I said. "When I woke up, I had no memories. But he had saved my life, so I felt indebted to him."

"So that's why you were hunting Aang." Sokka confirmed.

I nodded my head.

"Iroh and I discovered that I could bend all the elements, and we kept it a secret from Zuko. Then after Zuko had us thrown in jail, I used earth and metalbending to break free."

"So THAT'S how you escaped the metal box!" Toph said, pointing at me.

"Yeah." I smiled.

I stood up and walked towards Aang. Stopping a few feet infront of him, I bowed.

"It would be an honor to teach you what I know about firebending, Avatar Aang." I said, looking up at him hopefully.

"Would you mind giving us a minute?" Sokka said, dragging the other three a few feet away from me.

They began mumbling about something, occasionally looking up at me.

Soon, they all approached me.

"After discussing it," Sokka began.

"I'd love to have you as my firebending teacher." Aang said, bowing to me.

I bowed in response.

We both looked up at each other and grinned.

Suddenly, my stomach growled.

"A-ah, I'm sorry! All I've had to eat the last few weeks is the slop they served in prison." I looked to the side awkwardly.

"Don't worry. We have plenty of food." Sokka smiled.

"And a change of clothes." Katara mymbled as she gestured to what I was wearing.

I was still wearing what I had worn in prison.

"Come on, we can explore a little and settle in. We'll be here a while." Aang said.

"I think that'll have to wait." Toph said, pointing behind us.

We all turned around to look.

My eyes widened and mouth fell agape.

The dark haired boy stood there, then raised his hand to wave.

"Hello, Zuko here."

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