🏔Chapter Twenty-four🏔

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Y/n's POV
(Warning: Forceful Content. Proceed With Caution.)

I shoved Zuko away٫ panting. The door opened. I flopped off the counter before he could see me.

"Iroh! You're back." I laughed awkwardly٫ standing up and dusting myself off.
I covered my neck with my hair.
"I was just...looking for the rock I dropped! Oh well٫ looks like it's not here."

He looked at me and Zuko٫ an eyebrow raised.

"We finished cleaning up the shop٫ so I came home to enjoy a cup of tea." He said.

"Oh! I'll make some." I grinned.

"I'll go fetch the leaves." Iroh said٫ disappearing from the room.

I quickly turned to Zuko.

"Zuko٫ I'm so sorry. I heard his footsteps and panicked." I said٫ wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace.
He wrapped his arms around me.

"...it's fine." He said٫ kissing the top of my head.

"You're not mad?" I asked him.

"No." He said.

"Bland response٫ but okay." I teased.

Iroh walked back into the room.

"I have bad news." He sighed٫ holding up an empty bag. "We're out of tea leaves." He sniffled.

I giggled.

"Iroh٫ I can go out and get more. It's not too late٫ shops should still be open." I said٫ smiling. I pulled some coins out my pocket. "I got tips from some nice soldiers today." I said.

I slipped on my shoes.

After a few minutes of debating٫ or more so arguing٫ I convinced Zuko to stay home with Iroh.

I walked out the door٫ taking in a deep breath. The night air was cold.
I began walking the direction of where I thought the right shop might be.

That was a close call with Iroh. I sighed a breath of relief٫ momentarily relaxing.

"Relieved to get away from those firebenders?" A voice said from behind me.

I stiffened.

"Are you...following me?" I turned around to face the boy.

"I'm trying to help you." He argued.

"I don't need your help٫ Jet." I frowned.

He slowly walked up to me.

I backed away until my back was pressed against a wall.
He stood infront of me٫ standing a foot away.

"Why are you protecting them?" He growled٫ gripping his swords by his sides tightly.

"..." I paused٫ thinking about my wording. "I chose to let you get away. Don't make me regret it." I turned away to leave.

He grabbed my wrist٫ pulling me back to him with force. He pinned my hands above my head.

"Are you protecting him because of what happened earlier?" He said in a low voice.

"What are you talking about? Let me go." I said٫ squirming.
His grip was solid. I couldn't get out.

"In the apartment." He smirked.

My stomach dropped.

"What...?" I gulped.

He held both my hands above me with one of his hands٫ using his free one to brush the hair off my neck٫ exposing the mark Zuko had left.

"You're crazy! Let go of me!" I shouted٫ trying to break loose.

His grip only tightened. He lifted up my chin with his thumb and pointer finger٫ drawing his face near mine.

I felt a sudden heat against my lips.


I kneed him between the legs.

He grunted٫ his grip on me loosening. I broke loose٫ bending water out my pouch and surrounding him٫ freezing him to the ground.

I took off running towards the apartment. I could feel my legs shaking٫ tears stinging my eyes.

I wiped them away with my sleeve٫ stopping outside the apartment door. I took a few calming breaths before walking in.

"Sorry٫ the stores were closed." I said٫ putting my money on the table. "Where's Zuko?" I asked Iroh٫ who was sitting alone at the table.

"He's washing up in the restroom." He said. "Good news! Our neighbor let us borrow some of their tea leaves." He said happily٫ taking a sip of his tea.

"Oh٫ alright." I said٫ smiling softly. "I'm gonna go to bed. I'll see you tomorrow." I walked to my room door. "Goodnight٫ Iroh."

"Goodnight٫ Y/n."

I stripped off my outfit and put on my Water Tribe clothing.

I hate the clothes here. I miss my clothes. I sighed٫ laying down.

In order to not stand out, we switched to complete Earth Kingdom lifestyles, including their clothing.

Green is not my color.

My mind drifted to Jet.
He's garbage. I frowned٫ a sickening feeling in my stomach.
A few moments later٫ I heard my door slide open and shut.

"You're back." Zuko pointed out. He held a towel to his head as he dried his hair.

"Yeah." I said. "Come lay with me?" I looked at him expectantly.
He smiled٫ putting his towel down on the table by the door and walking over to where I layed٫ laying down beside me.

He put his arm around me٫ pulling me close. I layed my head on his chest٫ listening to his heartbeat. He was shirtless٫ wearing a pair of his shorts.

"You smell good." I teased.

"Thanks." He replied٫ stroking my hair.

My eyes wandered around the room.

"I wish I lit my candles before I came in here." I mumbled.

Zuko sat up.

"Hey٫ what are you doing?" I asked him٫ sitting up.

"Close your eyes." He said.
I huffed٫ but complied. A few moments passed. "Alright٫ open them." He said.

I did.

"Zuko..." I whispered٫ amazed. The candles around the room were all lit٫ except one. "Hey٫ that one's not lit." I pouted playfully٫ smiling.

He glanced at the unlit candle and shot a small blast of fire at it٫ lighting it.

"Yes it is." He smirked.

I grinned٫ pushing him down onto the bed٫ hovering above him.

"That trick is for me and me alone." I leaned down and placed a small kiss on his lips.

"Of course." He said٫ a smile on his lips.
His hands held me gently at my waist.

"..." I looked down at him٫ hesitant to say the words I constantly thought yet never had the courage to say aloud. I leaned down to his ear. "I love you٫ Prince Zuko." I whispered.

Impossible ~ °•Zuko x Reader•°Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ