🏔Chapter Sixteen🏔

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Y/n's POV

Zuko had brought home many things, including a teapot for Iroh.

I stared at the fire, thinking.

The one thing I'm still horrible at is healing. I sighed, poking the fire.

Iroh sat near the cave wall, drinking tea. I heard footsteps approaching the cave.
I stood up.

Zuko came in, holding something behind his back.

"Zuko, you're back!" I smiled, throwing myself onto him.

"Y/n, I got something for you." He said. I looked at him curiously. From behind him, he handed me a scroll.
It had a Water Tribe symbol on the sides. I opened it eagerly, my jaw then dropping.

"Zuko, this is..." I was at a loss for words.

"It's a Water Tribe scroll I found on healing." He said.

I felt my eyes fill up with tears. He looked at me, panicked.

"Why are you crying?! I just did something nice for you!" He said defensively.

"I-I'm happy." I sniffled, wrapping my arms around him. "Thank you, Zuko."

He leaned down and kissed the top of my head.

"You're welcome." He said.
I let go of him so he could come inside. I reached for my water bag, when I remembered it was empty.
I put the scroll on top of my bag.

"I'm gonna go get some more water. I'll be back!" I said, grabbing my water pouch.


When I came back, Zuko was gone. I looked at Iroh.

"He went on a walk." Iroh said.

"Oh...alright." I smiled.

He'll be back soon.

A little over an hour later, he came back.

"Uncle. I thought a lot about what you said." He said, standing at the cave entrance.

"You did? Good, good." Iroh smiled.

I looked at them curiously.

"It's helped me realize something." Zuko said. "We no longer have anything to gain by traveling together. I need to find my own way."

My heart sank.
The three of us...are splitting up?

I felt sick to my stomach.

Zuko grabbed his bag and began walking away.
I looked at Iroh pleadingly.

"Wait!" Iroh shouted at him, leading him the ostrich horse. He handed Zuko the reins.
He got on it, looking back at us.

I stared into his eyes, silently begging him.

He finally sighed.

"Get on, Y/n." He said.
My face lightened up as I grabbed my bag, climbing onto the back of the animal. I wrapped my arms around Zuko's waist lovingly.
"Give me your bag." He said.
I handed it to him. He hung it around the ostrich horse's neck like he did his bag so I didn't have to carry it.

He's so sweet. I thought, smiling. I looked at Iroh.

"Goodbye, Iroh! We'll see you again soon!" I smiled at him as the animal began to sprint off. I held onto Zuko's waist tightly. "Thank you..." I mumbled to him, grateful he brought me.

"It would've been hard leaving you behind." He admitted.

I smiled.


We had been traveling for a long time. Zuko seemed tired.

We came across a bridge. While crossing, the bird almost fell through.

"Zuko, you're not well. Let me take over." I insisted after we crossed.

"No. I've got this." He said.
His stomach growled.

We ran out of food two days ago. I watched him drink the last of his water.

"Here." I said, bending more water from the air into the bag. He chugged it.

"Thanks." He mumbled, wiping off his mouth with his sleeve.

We came across a small town.
Zuko slid off the animal and approached a small store's owner.

"Could I get some water, a bag of feed, and something hot to eat?" He asked him, handing him some coins.

"That's not enough here for a hot meal. I can get you two bags of feed." The man shrugged.

I got off the animal.

"What about now?" I asked, putting more coins down. He nodded his head, disappearing into the back.

I lightly took Zuko's hand in mine, leaning against him.

"Hey!" Some men shouted at us. "You throwin' eggs at us?" They asked.

"No." Zuko said.

"You see who did throw it?" The man asked, frowning.

I frowned, slightly squeezing Zuko's hand.

Who the hell are these guys?

"No." Zuko said, keeping a straight face the entire time.

"That your favorite word? No?" Another guy asked.

"The egg had to come from somewhere." The men reached for their weapons.

"Maybe a chicken flew over." He said, looking at the men.

The store owner came out with two bags of feed, going back in for our other things.

"Thanks for your contribution." The man said, taking the feed from us. "The army appreciates your support. You better leave town. Penalty for staying's a lot steeper than you can afford, strangers. Trust me." He said, patting his hammer.

"Okay, you know what?" I said, pulling my hand away from Zuko's and clenching my fists. "You're just walking trash taking advantage of people who are too scared to do anything about it." I pointed at them. "Give us back our feed." I demanded, taking a fighting stance.

"Y/n. Enough." Zuko said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"No!" I shouted. "We payed for that feed. I want it back. Now." I growled, glaring at the men when they only laughed in return. "Zuko, get ready to run." I whispered at him.

He looked at me curiously.

I began moving my arms in a small pushing and pulling motions.
The man carrying our feed stopped moving.

"What?!" He shouted.

He began walking towards us in jerky motions. I took the bags from him and put them on the animal while forcing him to his knees on the ground.
I grabbed our food and water from the store owner as he came out, hopping back onto the ostrich horse. I held the food between my legs.

"Quick, c'mon!" I shouted, laughing, extending my hand to Zuko. He smiled, jumping onto the creature with me. "Hyaa!" I shouted, the creature sprinting off.

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