🏔Chapter Twenty-one🏔

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Y/n's POV

Iroh had gotten our passes approved. Now we were waiting for the train to take us into the city.

My head was leaned against Zuko's shoulder. Someone plopped down next to Zuko.

"So٫ you guys got plans once you're inside the city?" A familiar voice asked.

"Why can't you leave us alone?" I groaned٫ earning a small chuckle from Zuko.

"Get your hot tea here! Finest tea in Ba Sing Se!" A man said loudly.
He was pushing around a heavy looking cart.

"Oh! Jasmine٫ please!" Iroh said.
The man approached us٫ handing Iroh a cup.

"Make it two٫ sir." I smiled٫ taking a cup.
I took a sip and cringed.
Iroh coughed.

"Coldest tea in Ba Sing Se is more like it." He said٫ frowning. "What a disgrace!"

"Uncle٫ it's just tea." Zuko said.

"Hey٫ can I talk to you for a sec?" Jet asked Zuko.
I glared at them as they walked away.

"I don't like him. He gives me bad vibes." I said٫ taking another sip of my cold tea. "Blegh." My face wrinkled in disgust. I looked at Iroh. "You didn't!" I whisper-yelled٫ noticing his steaming cup.

"I had to warm my tea." He shrugged.

"Yet you always make me watch my firebending. Hmph." I pouted٫ heating up my tea. I took a sip. "That's so much better." I smiled.

Zuko came back and slapped the tea out our hands.

"Hey!" I shouted٫ frowning.

"What are you doing firebending your tea?!" He asked his uncle through gritted teeth. "For a wise old man٫ that was a pretty stupid move."

"Hey٫ back off." I said٫ standing between him and Iroh. "It was my idea. Quit blaming it on him."

"I know you're not supposed to cry over spilled tea٫ but...it's just so sad!" Iroh sniffled.

"Uncle٫ don't worry. Here." I said٫ picking up the cup. I bended the tea back into it.

"Thank you٫ dear." He said٫ a big smile on his face.

"Last call for Ba Sing Se!" A man shouted.

"Come on٫ let's go." I smiled٫ grabbing Zuko's hand.
We boarded the train and sat down after Iroh threw away his cup. Soon٫ the train began to move.
I pressed my face against the window as I looked out.

"You seem impressed." Zuko said٫ nudging me with his elbow.

"Apart from the Northern Water Tribe٫ I've never seen a city so big!" I grinned.

"You're from the Water Tribe?" A voice asked.

I looked to my side and saw a woman holding a baby.

"..." I hesitated. "Yeah." I smiled.

"So you're a water bender?" Her face lit up.

I nodded my head٫ bending water from my pouch into the shape of a small rattle-like shape and freezing it٫ handing it to her baby.

"Your baby is beautiful." I smiled.
She looked down at her child٫ who was now sucking on the ice. "The water is fresh٫ don't worry." I smiled.

"A water bender helped us deliver Hope." She smiled.

"Who?" Zuko demanded.
The baby began to cry. I elbowed him.

"I'm sorry about him. He's just trying to help me find my friends." I explained٫ watching as she rocked her child٫ calming her.

"Oh! Are you the friend the Avatar was looking for?" She asked.

"He's- I mean٫ so he is here! I knew they wouldn't forget about me." I smiled. "Thank you so much for helping me."

"Of course. It's because of your friends my husband and I made it here." She smiled kindly.

I looked over at Zuko٫ grinning.
He smirked.
The train came to a stop. He stood up٫ grabbing my hand.

"Let's go find your friends."

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