🏔Chapter Twenty🏔

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Y/n's POV

I felt myself thud against his body, his arms wrapping around me.

"What are...you doing?" I asked, confused.
I felt my face heating up.

"Where'd all that confidence from the North Pole go?" He teased.

I backed away from him.

"It all disappeared after you hit me." I whispered.
I saw him visibly flinch.

"Y/n, I'm sorry..." He said, gently hugging me. "Please, let me make it up to you."

My eyes darted to the door.

"Your uncle is right in there." I mumbled, looking up at him. "Maybe some other time?"
He let go of me, leaning against the wall.

"Whatever." He said, his arms crossed, looking at the ground.

I sighed, walking past him and sitting on the ground.

"Come lay down with me?" I offered, hopeful.

A small smile formed on his lips as he came and layed beside me, cuddling me as I went to sleep.


I sat up rubbing my eyes when I heard voices.

"What's going on? Is the club meeting over?" Zuko asked sarcastically, standing near the back room.

"Everything is taken care of." Iroh said, bowing to his friend.

I stood up, yawning.

"It's morning?" I grumbled, tired.

"We're heading to Ba Sing Se." Iroh said.

"Ba Sing Se?!" Zuko and I exclaimed.

"Why would we go to the Earth Kingdom capital?!" Zuko asked angrily.

"The city! That's a great idea!" I beamed, my eyes shining. "There's tons of people there. No one would ever notice us." I grinned.

"Y/n is right. We can hide in plain sight." Iroh said. "And it's the safest place in the world from the fire nation. Even I couldn't break through to the city." His words held a mixture of emotions within them.

I looked at him curiously.
He tried to break into Ba Sing Se? My eyebrows knitted together. He did say he was a retired general...

A man walked in.

"I have the passports for our guests, but there's two men out on the street looking for them."

I looked out the window, seeing the two men from last night walking in the street.

"Quick, get in here." The bald man said, gesturing to three giant flower pots.

We each climbed in, the men busting through the door moments after. All I could hear was muffled voices as the cart began moving.


I stared out at the water as we sailed by.

The great city of Ba Sing Se. I can't believe I'm going there. I smiled, taking a deep breath. The air was scented like saltwater.
I hadn't  had a decent meal in days. I looked down at my full bowl of slop before pouring it into the sea.

"Gah, I'm sick of eating rotten food!" Zuko shouted, slamming his bowl on the ship's railing. "Sick of sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this." He continued his angry rant.

So far this is the only life I've known. I sighed, shaking my head. No need to freak out, man.

"Aren't we all."

I turned around to face the unfamiliar voice. A boy stood there.
He couldn't be any older than me and Zuko.

"My name's Jet, and these are my freedom fighters." He said, two other people walking forward.

I took a small step forward.

He gives me bad vibes. I thought, looking at him and his friends.

Zuko ignored them.

"What do you want?" I asked. He grinned.

"Here's the deal. I hear the captain's eating like a king while us refugees have to feed on his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?" Jet explained mischievously.

My stomach growled.

"You wanna help us...liberate some food?"

Zuko through his bowl over the edge if the ship, standing up straight and turning to face him.

"I'm in." He said.

I smiled.

"Me too."

Jet smirked.


Once night fell, Jet came to find us. He showed us where the captains quarter was and where the food was stored.
He quietly broke open the door so we could enter.

We all quietly grabbed bags of food.

"Guard's coming." Smellerbee whispered.
I had gotten acquainted with her earlier in the night.

We snuck out of the room. Longshot shot an arrow for us to ride down on.

Shit, I don't have time!

I ripped the arrow out the wood and threw it down.
Zuko looked at me, distressed.

"What are you doing?!" He whispered-yelled at me.
I heard footsteps approaching.

I took a deep breath, bending water from the ocean to around me, lifting me onto the roof. The guard walked by, looked around, then left moments later.
I bended myself back down to the floor Zuko and the others were at.

"That was scary." I whispered, laughing quietly once I was with them.


Jet passed out food to everyone. I took a sip of my steaming soup.
God I missed food. I thought, grinning.

"You sure do seem happy eating." Zuko teased.

"Food can't hit you or break your heart." I pointed out.
The incident where Zuko hit me had turned into a running joke between me and him.

"I heard people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall." Jet said, sitting down in front of us.

"It is a magnificent sight." Iroh said.

"So you've been there before?" Jet asked him.

"Once. When I was a...different man." Sadness spread across Iroh's face.

"I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of. But that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se. For a new beginning. A second chance." Jet said, looking down.

"Yeah yeah, no need for your entire life story." I said, having another sip of my soup.
Iroh held back a laugh. A small smile formed on Zuko's lips.

"Y/n, be polite." Iroh said, a smile on his face. Jet got up and walked away.

"Oops." I shrugged sarcastically.


"So...Mr. Lee, Mr. Shu, and Mrs. Lin." The lady said, looking at our passports and then us.

"Actually, it's Ms." I corrected.

"Are you telling me how to do my job?" She asked me.
I quickly backed away.

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