🔥Chapter Fourty-eight🔥

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Y/n's POV

Making sure no one was around, I used a key I stole from a guard to open Suki's cell.

"Alright, she's all yours." I whispered to Sokka. "Try to be fast. Zuko and I will keep watch."

He nodded, entering the cell and closing the door behind him.

A few moments went by.

I glanced at Zuko, then looked at his hands, which were behind his back.

I reached over and gently grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand next to him.

He looked down at me, confused.

I entwined my fingers with his, smiling softly.

"We're not allowed to date the female guards." He said, smirking.

"Who said anything about dating?" I replied, returning his smirk.

"I did." He replied, turning his body to face me.

I felt my cheeks get hot.

"Well..." I muttered, looking up at him. "...I've always been a rule breaker."

I moved my hands to rest at the back of his neck, inching closer to him, my eyes locked on his lips.

I closed my eyes as our lips touched.

A moment later, I pulled back.

"Someone's coming." I whispered, taking a step back.

He nodded his head, lightly tapping on the door to warn Sokka.

A female guard approached us.

"Step aside. I need to get in there."

Zuko and I looked at each other, then at the guard.

"I'm sorry, but you can't go in right now." I said.

"Move it, idiots." She said, trying to shove us aside.

As she did, I grabbed her arm, moving so that I could flip her over me.

"Ah-!" She grunted. "Hey! What are you doing?!" She shouted at me. She then looked at Zuko. "Don't just stand there! Arrest her!"

She managaed to kick at my feet, causing me to lose balance and fall over.

Zuko then grabbed her.

Sokka slipped out of Suki's cell without her noticing.

"Guard, help! I think they're both imposters!" She shouted.

Sokka began walking towards us.

He grabbed Zuko off the woman and pinned him on the ground.

I saw him whisper something in his ear.

The woman grabbed me.

Zuko and I were given prison clothes and taken to separate cells.

How is it I keep ending up in prison whenever I help Zuko? I sighed, leaning against the wall.

The door slid open. A man with long hair stood there.

"Well, well." He said. "After escaping one prison, you wound up in another."

I gulped.

"You...know who I am?" I asked.

"Of course I do." He replied. "Everyone knows about the infamous Watertribe girl helping the traitor Prince."

"He's not a traitor." I said in a low voice.

"Is that so?" He asked. "And I'm not planning on trading you for a big reward." He grinned.

"A big reward?" I asked, confused.

The man nodded his head. 

I felt my blood run cold.

"Why would anyone offer a reward for me?" I asked, frowning.

"You escaped from a prison in the Fire Nation Capital." He said. "To think a mere girl thought she could escape from a prison owned by the Fire Lord without punishment."

I froze.

"The... Fire Lord?"

I stared at the ground.

The door loudly shut as the man left.

I sank down, hugging my knees.

I escaped from the Fire Lord's prison?

I heard guards walking past my cell.

"Did you hear? New arrivals are coming in tomorrow at dawn." A man said.

"Oh, nice. Anybody interesting?" A woman asked.

"Nah, just the usual. Robbers, a couple of traitors, and war prisoners." He replied.

I looked up.

War prisoners? I thought, forgetting what the man had just told me. I have to tell Sokka!

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