🔥Chapter Fifty🔥

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Y/n's POV

Morning was now here.

The four of us were hidden, waiting.

"Come on..." Sokka mumbled.

The gondola stopped.

Men began walking out.

"Where is he?" Sokka muttered anxiously.

What looked like the last man walked out.

"That's it..?" He asked.

"It can't be." I said, shaking my head.

"I'm sorry, Sokka." Suki said.

"Hey, you!" A man shouted. "Get off the gondola!"

Sokka looked up.

"Dad..." He said quietly.

"Get these prisoners out of my sight!" The warden shouted.

"I'm going to follow them." Sokka said before running towards them.


I stood outside the cell, them unaware of my presence.

Zuko had been moved and I felt obligated to follow.

"All I get is a letter?" A girls voice asked. "You could've at least looked me in the eye when you ripped out my heart."

Her voice was angry. Full of emotion.

"Mai, I didn't mean to-"

There it was.

Mai...? I thought, frowning. He told me it was a one time thing. A mandatory thing. For a stupid event.

"'Dear Mai, I'm sorry that you have to find out this way, but I'm leaving.'" She read from the letter.

"Stop!" Zuko shouted. "This isn't about you. This is about the Fire Nation."

"Thanks, Zuko. That makes me feel all better."

"Mai, I never wanted to hurt you." He said.

I stepped over the two guards I knocked out and slowly walked into the room as he spoke.

"Then what about me..?" I asked, looking at the girl, and then him. "A one time thing, he said. For a social event, he said." I spoke with a mocking tone. "Clearly there was more happening than you were letting me in on."

"Y/n-" He began.

"Y/n?" Mai repeated, venom in her voice. "Oh, great. Of course you're here too."

"Don't worry." I glared at her. "Right now, this is the last place I want to be."

My nails dug into my palms as I stared at the girl.

Suddenly, her back was against the wall.

"Hey, what's going on?!" She shouted.

I raised my hand.

"Y/n, cut it out!" Zuko yelled at me.

I slowly looked at him, then raised her higher so that she was near the ceiling.

"What are you doing to me?!" She shouted.

"Y/n!" Zuko shouted.

I let her drop to the ground with a loud thud.

"I didn't think you could break my heart more than you already have." I muttered, walking towards the door. "She'll be fine. Don't worry, I won't inconvienence you both any more."

I closed the door and began walking away.

"Y/n, wait!" Zuko shouted, banging on the door.

Ignoring his desperate yells, I made my way to the courtyard.

I met up with Suki, Sokka, and his dad in the courtyard.

"Y/n, where's Zuko?" Sokka asked.

"With Mai." I shrugged.

"Okay, not gonna ask." Sokka mumbled. "Y/n, this is my dad." He said, gesturing to the man.

"Hakoda." He said, smiling, extending his hand to me.

"Y/n." I replied, shaking his hand. "It's nice to finally meet you, sir." I smiled.

"Alright. Guys, we need to start a riot." Sokka said. "A distraction so Y/n can do her thing."

"After today, it'll be out, Sokka." I said. "We won't have the element of surprise anymore. Everyone will know what I can do."

"I know, so I tweaked the plan a litte." He said, grinning.

I looked at him, shocked.

"We shouldn't have to rely on your bending. So, new plan: kidnap the warden and take the gondola out."

"Sokka, I don't know whether I want to hug you or punch you." I said, grinning.

"A hug would suffice." He joked.

"So, you said we need a riot?" Suki asked. "How are we gonna do that?"

"I think I can take care of that." I said, taking a step back. I began walking towards the group of prisoners.

Standing amongst everyone, I took in a deep breath.

"Hey, everyone!" I shouted, blasting fire into the air. "Riot!"

Suddenly, everyone was shouting.

Oh, shit. I didn't think it'd actually work!

I began sprinting back to the others.

"You're a firebender? I thought you were an earthbender." Suki said.

"Earthbender? I thought she was Water Tribe." Hakoda said.

"It's a long story." I said. "Hard to believe, but I'm like Aang and can bend all four elements. Anyways, we need to get a move on!"

"On it." Suki smirked.

I had a total Stranger Things moment while writing this chapter lmfao

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