🔥Chapter Fifty-two🔥

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Y/n's POV
The Next Day

I jerked awake to the sound of a loud bang.

"What's going on?" I asked in a daze.

Two more bangs.

"Firenation airships!" Aang shouted.

Using his airbending, he closed thick panels of metal around the area we all slept in to protect us.

Now, everyone was awake and on their feet.

"Watch out!" Zuko shouted.

I felt myself hit the ground, rocks from the ceiling landing in the spot I was standing in moments before.

"Are you alright?!" Zuko asked me, panicked.

"Yeah... I'm fine." I repied as he stood up, offering me his hand.

Smiling softly, I took it, momentarily forgetting the situation we were in.

"Come on, we can get out through here!" Toph shouted.

Her and Haru had earthbended a tunnel out.

I began following everyone into the tunnel as Aang struggled to get Appa in.

"What are you doing?!" Aang shouted.

I looked behind me, seeing Zuko going the opposite direction.

"Go ahead. I'll hold them off." He said. "I think this is a family visit."

"No!" I shouted, spinning around and running towards him.

The metal panels were all breaking.

Zuko began running towards the Firenation airships outside.

I chased after him, using my airbending to help me run faster.

I hopped over the panels, watching as Zuko blasted fire at the airships.

Now by his side, I stomped my foot. A large portion of the ground lifted up.

I sent it flying towards an airship.

Suddenly, an airship rose from under the temple, Azula standing on top of it.

"What are you doing here?" Zuko shouted at her.

"You mean it's not obvious yet?" She asked, grinning. "I'm about to get the prisoner that father wants and celebrate becoming an only child!"
She blasted fire at us.

I redirected her flames, sending them back towards her.

"What prisoner?!" He shouted, frowning.

"Haven't you heard?" She asked in a mocking tone. "Father would do just about anything to get his hands on her." She pointed towards me.

I saw his fists clench.

He suddenly began sprinting towards a falling pillar, running up its side.

"Don't touch her!" He shouted, blasting fire at her.

He tried to grab onto the side of the airship, but missed.

"Zuko!" I screamed, running to the cliffs edge.

I watched him disappear through the clouds.

"No...!" I shouted, teary eyed. "Zuko!"

I heard a loud noise, looking up to see Appa flying out the cave.

Suddenly, another airship rose from under the temple, Zuko standing on top of it.

I wiped my eyes with my palm. Of course he didn't die, idiot. I thought, snickering to myself.

I watched as he ran and jumped to the airship Azula stood on.

Using a blast of air, I jumped to the airship he had been on.

I saw a combination of both orange and blue fire.

An explosion rang out.

I watched as Zuko began to fall off the airship.


Not again! I thought, running and jumping off the airship towards Zuko.
I used airbending to propel myself to him.

"Zuko!" I screamed, reaching for his hand.

Appa was then under us.

Suki grabbed my arm, pulling me into Appa's saddle. Katara pulled Zuko in.

"Thank you." I said, clinging to Suki's arm.

"Y/n, you're cutting off circulation." She said.

"Ah! I'm sorry!" I replied, quickly moving away.

I looked at Zuko, who was next to me.

"You idiot!" I shouted, gently slapping him in the face. "Do you have any idea how scared I was when you fell?!" I felt my eyes getting teary once again. "You could've died!"

He started at me, shocked.

A small smile then formed on his face as he took my hand in his, putting it on the spot I had slapped.

"I'm sorry I worried you." He said, kissing my palm.

I retracted my hand, my face feeling hot.

"Whatever." I mumbled, moving closer to lean against him.
I moved his arm to wrap it around me.

Impossible ~ °•Zuko x Reader•°Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin