🏔Chapter Twenty-six🏔

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Y/n's POV

The shop was filled with people٫ despite how late it was.

It was a drink shop.

I walked up to the counter to the person serving drinks.

"Um...could I get a (insert drink type)٫ please?" I smiled.

"Sure thing." The man said٫ making the drink. "That'll be 10 silver coins."

I reached into my pocket and froze٫ a sudden realization hitting me.

I left my money at the apartment.

"I-I'm sorry٫ I left my money at home." I said٫ embarrassed.

"No money٫ no drink." He said٫ taking it away. I looked down sadly.

"Please٫ allow me." A voice said. I heard coins clink together.

Weird. That voice sounded familiar.

"Thanks." The man behind the counter grunted٫ giving me my drink.

"Oh! Thank you-" I began٫ turning to face the man. I froze.

Shit! It's him!

"You!" The man said.

It was the long haired man who was after us.

My eyes darted to the side٫ where I saw his buff friend.

I quickly turned to run٫ when the older man grabbed my wrist.

"Not so fast٫ missy!" He said.

I panicked٫ jerking my arm away.

I began running towards the door٫ leaving my drink behind.

"After her!" The younger man shouted at his friend.

Once I was out the door٫ I began running down the street.

I felt something stab me in my arm. I fell over٫ shakily getting on all fours and removing the object from my arm.

"This...is..." I fell over٫ my eyes closing unwillingly.

"A shirshu dart." The bigger man smirked. "We got one. Now we need that stupid runaway bratt."

N-no... Move٫ damn it!

I tried to move٫ but it was useless. My body wouldn't listen.

Everything went black.


"Are you sure she isn't dead?"

"I'm positive. The dart wasn't that strong."

My head was throbbing. I squirmed around.

"Look٫ she's awake."

My eyes slowly opened.

"Where...am I?!" I said loudly٫ sitting up.
Rope was tied around my ankles and wrists٫ my hands behind my back. "Untie me!" I shrieked.

"Not a chance." A deep voice said.

I looked around frantically.

I was in the middle of a room.
It had to be an upperclass home. It seemed fancy.
I looked down at my side.

"Looking for this?"

I looked up and saw the bigger man approaching me٫ holding my bag of water.

"Give it back!" I demanded٫ squirming. "That's theft!" I said٫ then panicked. "Where's my stuff?!"

"Right here."

The older man walked up behind him٫ holding my bag. I gritted my teeth.

"Give it back!" I shouted.

"No." The older man smirked. They both turned away.

"Hey! Untie me!" I shouted.

They ignored me٫ disappearing upstairs.

Damn it... I sighed٫ angry. I can't risk firebending here. I can't burn through the ropes. I'm stuck here.

I heard footsteps approaching from outside.

Wait a second...

My mind flashed to when I was hit with the shirshu dart.


"We got one. Now we need that stupid runaway bratt."


The front door opened.

"Hello? Mom?" A small voice asked.

"No! Get out of here! It's a trap!" I shouted.

Suddenly٫ a metal box fell from the second floor on top of the girl.

"Hey!" She shouted. "Who do you think you're dealing with?!"

"A loud mouthed little bratt who ran too far away from home." The younger man said٫ jumping down.

I felt myself get hit in the back of the neck with something sharp.

Another dart?! You have to be...kidding...m..e...


Ow... I thought٫ wincing. That felt like a bump. I concluded. Wait٫ a bump?!

My eyes flew open as I squirmed.

"Oh٫ good. You're finally awake." The girl said sarcastically.

I stood up.

"I'm untied." I mumbled٫ looking at my wrists. I looked at the girl. "Where are we going?" I asked her.

"Beats me." She shrugged.

"Hey٫ your eyes..." I said٫ leaning down.

She really is blind...

"Yeah٫ I'm blind. So what?" She said.

"Nothing. Your eyes are...really pretty." I smiled. "My name's Y/n. What's yours?" I asked her.

She hesitated.

"...Toph." She finally said. "My name's Toph."

"Aren't you friend's with the Air Nomad?" I asked her.

"You mean Aang?" She asked. I nodded my head٫ then realized.

"Uh٫ yeah." I said٫ embarrassed.

"Then yeah٫ I guess." She shrugged. "I've been teaching him earthbending."

"So you are an earthbender!" I grinned.

"I'm sorry٫ have we met before?" She asked٫ taking a somewhat defensive form.

"Um...once." I said. "In the desert٫ with-"

"You're the waterbender who's been helping Zuko!" She shouted, pointing at me.

I flinched.

"Um٫ yeah." I said quietly٫ looking away. I looked back at her. "Wait٫ you're an earthbender!" I said.

"Didn't we establish that already?" She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes.

"Quiet down. I have an idea on how to get out of here." I whispered.

"Alright٫ I'm listening." She said٫ sarcasm still lingering in her tone.

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