🏔Chapter Eighteen🏔

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Y/n's POV

I sighed once my shirt was on.

"There." I said.

Why do I feel so conflicted?! I grabbed my head, frustrated.

"Y/n, what's wrong?!" He said loudly, softly grabbing my wrists.
I jerked away, pushing him off me. I stood up.

"I'm going for a walk now, if that's alright with you." I said, frowning at him.

He stood up.

"What did I do wrong?!" He shouted at me. I flinched.

"Why are you shouting at me?!" I shouted back.

"I'm not! I mean, I didn't. I'm just- gahhh!" He said loudly, frustrated. "I'm just trying to understand you."

"There's nothing to understand." I said, shrugging.
I started to walk out the abandoned hut.

"Is this because of what I said that night?" He asked. I froze. "You asked if we were just friends and I said I wasn't sure. Is that why you've been upset? You've barely talked to me since then."

I didn't move.

"Yeah, it is. Selfish, isn't it?" I began to walk out when he grabbed me by the wrist. "What is it now?!" I said loudly.

He turned me around and planted his lips on mine.
I hesitated before kissing back.

After a few moments, he pulled away.

I frowned.

"Was that supposed to clear things up?"

"..." He paused for a moment. "...yes." He said, looking away.

"Well, it didn't." My frown deepened as I turned to walk away, when he pulled me into his arms, embracing me in a hug.

"Why can't you just understand?" He mumbled into the crook of my neck.

His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

"Understand what?" I said, trying to stand my ground.
Though, it was getting hard; having him so close to me...

"I care about you." He mumbled.

I stiffened.
I didn't move. Didn't talk.

"Well? Aren't you going to say something?!" He said, moving back to look at me.

I bit my lip and hesitated.

Instead of speaking, I stood on my toes and gently pressed my lips against his.
After pulling away I leaned my head against his chest. I could feel his breathing.
His racing heartbeat.

I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Don't go." He said, his arms wrapping tightly around my back.

"I won't." I whispered.
We sat down next to each other, our backs against the wall.

Iroh came in carrying a small bag filled with leaves.

"Y/n, are you alright?" He asked me, sitting down next to the fire at the center of the room. "You took quite a blow." He began putting leaves into the water.

"I'm fine. I'm glad you're alright." I smiled at him.

"I collected some leaves for tea." He told me.

"Are these...poisonous...like the last ones?" I asked, frowning.

"Oh, no." He laughed. "I know my tea leaves."

After a few minutes, he prepared us all a cup of tea.

"Thank you, Iroh." I smiled at him, taking a sip. "Your tea is always delicious."

He smiled kindly at me.

"Thank you, Y/n."


After a day, we began traveling again.


Impossible ~ °•Zuko x Reader•°Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora