🌊Chapter Six🌊

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Y/n's POV

I layed in bed restlessly.

How can I sleep when there's a hot shirtless prince just a few feet away?! I sighed.

I must've been laying here for at least an hour. Maybe two or three.

The air was cold.

I quietly stood up, picking up my pillow and blanket. I put the pillow down by Zuko's head, then put the blanket over him.

He moved, putting his head on the edge of the pillow.
I layed down next to him and moved close, sharing the pillow and blanket with him. I felt my heart flutter at the thought of being so close to him.

The rest of the night went by in a flash.


I rolled over, feeling a soft surface beneath me. I wasn't on the hard floor anymore; I was on the bed. I sat up, confused.

I thought I got on the floor last night?

I moved over, sitting on the edge of the bed as I stretched, my back popping several times.

"Ahh~!" I accidentally moaned, falling backwards onto the bed.

"Nice moan." A voice said.

I sat up quickly, seeing Zuko standing leaned against the doorframe. His face was expressionless.

"Um, hi Zuko!" I said, quickly standing up. "I uh, didn't see you there." I said awkwardly, scratching the back of my head.

"Yeah, I noticed." He said, eyeing me up and down. "Nice outfit." He smirked.

I looked down.

"Oh mY GOD, WHERE'S MY SHIRT?!" I shouted, grabbing the blanket and hiding my mostly exposed chest. He quietly laughed, walking out the room and shutting the door.

"Breakfast is ready. Come eat." He said.

"Alright, I'm hurrying!" Flustered, I began looking around the bed for my shirt.
No luck.
I looked around the room.
"I can't find my shirt." I sighed, frustrated.

"Just wear one of mine." Zuko said from the other side of the door.

"Wh-what?!" I shouted, my face heating up. "No thanks, I'll stay in here." I said, sitting back down on the bed.

My stomach growled.

"Then starve." He said, walking away.
His footsteps echoed down the hall, then faded.

I stayed sitting, embarrassed.

He just saw me in my bra.
My stomach growled. I hesitated.
He told me to...and I'm hungry. It should be okay, right? I wondered, eyeing his clothes.

After a few moments of sitting there listening to my stomach growl, I decided on what to do.

I grabbed one of Zuko's shirts and pulled it on, walking to the door.

Hmph. Stupid snow. Stupid prince. Stupid shirt.
I pouted, walking quietly to the kitchen.
I lingered by the doorway after hearing their voices, listening in on their conversation.

"Zuko, you should eat. It's getting cold." Iroh said, having already eaten.

"I'm waiting for Y/n." He said, leaned against the wall.

"It was nice of you to put her back on the bed, but how is she supposed to come out here when you took her shirt?" Iroh chuckled.

I bit my lip, my eye twitching.
He undressed me?! Such a pervert prince!

I walked into the kitchen, smiling innocently. "Good morning!"

Zuko looked at me, wide eyed.

"Y/n." Iroh sighed, looking at what I was wearing.

I blushed, turning to Zuko.

"Prince Zuko, if I could have my clothes back, it would be most appreciated." I said, crossing my arms assertively.

He stood up taller.

"Are you ordering me, Prince of the Fire Nation, to do something because you say so?" He looked down at me.

"I, um, I-" I froze.
That caught me off guard... I thought, panicking.
I sighed, defeated.
"No... I guess not." I whispered, sitting down. "Do you at least have girls clothes I can wear?" I looked at Iroh pleadingly.

He shook his head.

"I'm afraid not. But, we need to restock on supplies. Today we're docking to go shopping." Iroh reassured me.

A smile lit up my face.

"I can get new clothes?!" I grinned. Zuko pouted in the corner. "Zuko, what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing." He grumbled, moving to go make a plate of food.

"Wait." I said, jumping up. I slipped between him and the food, facing Zuko. "Let me make your plate, my Prince. Go sit down." I said.
Two can play your game, Zuko.

"Fine." He turned around and sat at the table.

I made both me and him a plate of food, placing them at the table and sitting between the two of them.


After cleaning up breakfast, I went back to the room to search my other clothes.

Maybe I'll find something useful.

After searching every pocket of the clothes, I had found an empty water sack and a few coins.

Well, that's better than nothing.

Soon, we arrived at land. The boat docked.

"Don't try running away." Zuko said to me, glaring.

"I make no promises." I grinned. "I might be back once I find what it is I need. See ya~!" I shouted, sprinting down the ramp and off the ship.


An hour or two later, I walked back to the ship.

I had gotten a few different outfits, a bag, and found a few scrolls on the different types of bending.

I had to steal most of my items because I ran out of money.

I can't let Zuko see my scrolls. I thought, tucking them away in my new bag.

I walked back to the room I shared with Zuko, crouching down to organize my things in the corner.

"Where have you been?!" A voice said from behind me.

I blinked.

"I was...shopping?" I said, confused.

"From now on, you can't leave unless me or uncle are with you." Zuko said, sitting on his bed. "It's dark out. You easily could've escaped."

I frowned.

"Escaped? I'm not your prisoner, Zuko." I said, standing up. "I'm not here because I have to be. I'm here because I want to be." I frowned at him.

"Whatever." He said, laying on his bed.

I sighed, going back to my things and pulling out new clothing. I stood up, facing the wall instead of Zuko.

"Um... Could you get out so I can change clothes?" I asked him.

"No." He said.

I turned around. "Why not?"

"I've seen your body before. What does it matter now?" He replied, never breaking eye contact.

I felt my face get red.

"Jerk." I said, stomping out the room.

I ended up finding a random room to change in.

Impossible ~ °•Zuko x Reader•°Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang