🔥Chapter Fifty-four🔥

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Y/n's POV
The Next Day

I woke up and left my tent in search of Zuko.

After looking around, I had no luck finding him. Nor Aang and Katara, for that matter.

The only person who I was able to find, however, was Sokka.

"Where's Zuko?" I asked Sokka, who was sitting on a rock and fiddling with his boomerang.

"Him and Katara left in the night." Sokka told me.

"Oh." I replied, frowning.

He didn't even tell me.

"Okay, then. Where's Aang?" I asked.

"Oh, he's somewhere that way meditating." He said, pointing with his boomerang.

"Alright. Thank you." I smiled, heading the direction he had pointed.

After a few minute walk, I found the boy sitting cross legged with his fists together.

"Aang?" I said as I approached the boy.

He opened his eyes, his serious expression turning into a smile when he saw me.

"Hey Y/n." He said. "Wanna meditate with me?"

"Sure! I'd love to." I replied with a smile, sitting next to him.

"Meditating is how I get in touch with our past lives." He said. "And how I get into the Spirit World."

"So, do you think it'll help me?" I asked.

"Ever since you joined us, you've been getting memories from our past. So probably." He grinned.

"All right!" I said excitedly, mimicking how he was sitting.

"Now, all you need to do is close your eyes and concentrate." He instructed.

"Right." I replied, doing as he said.

A few minutes passed.

This is kinda boring. I thought, peeking over at Aang with one eye.
I straightened my posture and closed my eye again. If he can do it, so can I.

Another few minutes passed.

I sighed, opening my eyes.

"Aang, I don't think this is gonna work." I said doubtfully.

No response.

"Aang?" I said, leaning closer to him.

Why isn't he answering me? I wondered, looking at him curiously.

I reached over to poke him.

"What?" I said, dumbfounded.

I reached to poke him again, my finger going through him.

I stood up, panicked, walking a few feet away. My eyes widened.

"That's me." I said, shocked.

I saw myself sitting next to Aang, still in the meditating position.

"Does that mean...I'm a spirit?" I asked aloud.

"You..." A voice said.

It was a voice I had never heard before.
But...it felt so familiar.

I turned around, seeing an elderly man standing there.
His hair was practically white. His beard was long, and he wore an outfit from the Fire Nation.

"You're...Avatar Roku, aren't you?" I asked. "The Avatar before Aang."

He answered with a single nod of his head.

"Y/n..." Avatar Roku said. "...You should not be here."

"What?" I asked, confused. "What do you mean?"

"You don't belong in this world."

I stared at him.

"Come with me." He said.

I heard a loud noise, looking up to see a giant lizard flying towards me.

"Is that a dragon?!" I exclaimed, taking a few steps back. Images flashed in my mind. "That's...your dragon, Fang." I said, stopping where I stood.

The dragon landed on the ground in front of Roku, letting loose a loud roar into the sky.

Roku climbed onto the dragon's back.

"Come, Y/n. We haven't much time."

Impossible ~ °•Zuko x Reader•°Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang