🔥Chapter Sixty-one🔥

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Y/n's POV

"Wow..." I mumbled. "Your dad...really is terrible."

"I can't believe this." Katara said quietly.

"What are we gonna do...?" Aang asked.

"I know you're scared. And you aren't ready to save the world yet. But if you don't defeat my father when the comet comes..." Zuko looked at the ground. "...There won't be a world to save anymore."

Aangs face softened, then twisted with anger.

"Why didn't you tell me about your dad's crazy plan sooner?!"

"Hey!" I said, moving to stand infront of Zuko. "Don't turn this on him. You didn't tell either of us that you were going to wait to fight the Fire Lord!" I shouted at him.

"This is bad..." Aang mumbled. "This is really, really bad."

"Yes, it's bad." I said. "But you don't have to do it alone."

"Yeah!" Toph agreed. "If we all fight the Fire Lord together, we've got a shot at taking him down!"

"All right! Team Avatar is back!" Sokka shouted, his arm around Suki.

"Fighting the Fire Lord is going to be the hardest thing we've ever done together." Aang said. "...But I wouldn't want to do it any other way."


After a long day of training, night soon fell.

"I found something!" Katara said enthusiastically as she walked in, holding a scroll. "I was looking for cooking pots in the attic, when I found this!" She opened the scroll, showing us. "Look at baby Zuko! Isn't he cute?"

Zuko frowned and looked at the ground as the others laughed.

"Oh, lighten up. I was only teasing." Katara said.

"That's not me." He said in a low voice. "...It's my father."

"What?" Katara asked, looking at the picture.

"But he looks so sweet and innocent." Suki said.

"Well, that sweet little kid grew up to be a monster." Zuko mumbled. "And the worst father in the history of fathers."

"He's still a human being." Aang said.

"Are you seriously defending him?" I asked, standing up. "Do you not seem to remember that he planned to wipe out all Earthbenders? That he wants you dead?"

"Look, I get it! He's a horrible person. The world would probably be better off without him. But there has to be another way." Aang replied.

"Your sentence was gramatically incorrect." I said, crossing my arms. "It didn't need 'probably'. The world would be better off without him. He's planning on killing thousands of people, Aang."

"I know!" He shouted. "But killing Ozai goes against everything I learned from the monks. I can't just go around wiping out people I don't like!"

"There'a a difference between wiping out the people you don't like and saving countless lives, Aang." I let out a heavy sigh and looked at the ground. "The fact that you can't tell the difference between the two shows you're still too young and naive." I looked back up at him. "Avatar Roku was right. You're not going to be able to do what needs to be done. You're not going to save anyone."

"Shut up!" Aang shouted. "Don't act like you understand. None of you know anything!"

And with that, the boy stomped away.

"Aang, don't walk away from this!" Katara shouted, getting up to follow him.

Zuko put a hand on her shoulder.

"Let him go." He said. "He needs some time to sort things out for himself."

Katara looked at me.

"And you!" She shouted, marching over to me. "Why did you have to be so hard on him?!"

"Because he needs to wake up and realize not everything is going to be done the way he'd like it to be!" I shouted at her. "People are going to die, Katara. They'll all die if he doesn't stop throwing tantrums and do what he needs to!"

I turned around and began to leave in the opposite direction Aang had.

"I don't need this." I muttered, leaving the others behind.

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