🌊Chapter Two🌊

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Y/n's POV

I'm...on a ship.

My pace slowed as I walked out onto the deck, looking at all the icey water surrounding me.
I felt sick to my stomach.

"I told you to stop." A low voice said behind me.

I flinched, turning around.

"Who are you?" I demanded, walking backwards until the backs of my legs were pressed against the walling around the edge of the ship.

"That's not how you should talk to someone who saved your life." He growled.

I blinked.


"I found you half frozen to death in the snow." He approached me slowly. "You owe me your life." He said in a low voice, towering over me.

"Zuko, you're scaring the poor girl." A deeper voice said.

I glanced to the side, seeing an older man sitting on a barrel near the wall, near the open door we had come out of.

The boy standing in front of me gritted his teeth, turning around to face the man.

"Uncle! How long have you been sitting there?!" He demanded.

"The entire time." He shrugged, his eyes closing as he sipped from a small cup. As he lowered his cup, he turned to look at his nephew. "Don't look now, but your guest is running away." He gestured towards me with his eyes and a nod of his head.

I was in the process of climbing over the small walling, jumping onto a pile of ice and snow.

I heard it crack beneath me.

Oh shit-

I heard loud footsteps pound on the deck behind me as I began to run. The ice shook and cracked under me as the boy chased after.

"Stop running away!" He shouted, shooting fire at me from behind.
Panicking, I raised my arms and pushed them to the side with force.

Snow flew between us.

"She's a water bender!" I heard the old man shout from the ship, amazed.

I huffed as I ran, my vision blurring once again.

Where am I...? How did I get here? Who are they?! I screamed in my head. Why can't I remember anything?!

While running across a snow covered glacier, I slipped, falling over and sliding back down the way I had just come, towards the person I was trying to outrun.


I crashed into him, knocking him down as we slid to the bottom of the hill.

The old man laughed from where he stood on the ship's edge watching us.

I groaned, rolling over, when a shadow was cast over me. Gulping and looking up, I saw the -still shirtless- teenage boy standing over me.

"Get up." He ordered, extending his hand to me.

I hesitantly took it.
He jerked me up by my arm, pulling me up with force. I looked down at our feet, avoiding eye contact.

"Let's go." He said, dragging me back to the ship.

"No!" I said, trying to pull away. "Let me go!" I hissed as he dragged me up the ramp to the ship.

"So you can freeze to death like when my nephew found you?" The old man asked, causing me to pause.

"I don't care! Let me go!" Moving my arm in a simikar way as earlier, I created a whip of water and slashed the boy with it.
It disapated as soon as it made contact with him. He barely flinched.

The most it did was soak his remaining clothing.

"Stop doing that." He growled at me, tugging my arm.

"I don't know how." I whimpered, teary eyed.

Him and his uncle looked at me.

"What do you mean?" The uncle asked, his brow furrowing.

"....I don't know how I'm doing it." I replied after hesitating.

They seemed more confused.

"What does that mean?" The boy pulled me close to him with strength, glaring at me.

"I can't remember." I said, looking away.

"Remember what?" He sounded angry.

"Anything!" I shouted, shoving him away from me.
He let go of my hand as he fell, sliding down the ramp. I ran onto the ship, hiding behind his uncle.
He seemed nicer than him.

"Tea?" He looked at me and held up his cup.

I hesitated, beginning to shiver from the melted snow covering my body.

"...yes, please." I mumbled.

The boy stomped up the ramp, going through the door into the ship.

"Girls are crazy!" He shouted.

The sound of him slamming his room door shut echoed down the hall.

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