How would you call on the Angels

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How would you call on the Angels

And the Angels Angels so they could hear

Your heart’s sweet song that reaches out to them

For On this journey they are so near.

Believe in yourself  enough to receive them

And the love that they do bring

Michael, Gabriel, Raphael and the heavenly choir that sings.

For in the realm of Angels

That work to protect us if they can,

There is such a need on earth to lead us

So we can fulfill tour part of the plan.

For the radiant light they bring

To Help us everyday

So welcome the angels who see over us,

As on this long journey they light the way.

 The Angels work hard to serve God

And his Children here on earth

They work in the realm of Spirit

And there are Legions of Angels at work.

Call out to the angels who really do watch over you.

And listen to the song they sing

So you can know the Love that inspires them

To bring all of their great blessings.

So how do you call on the Angels

When they are already here

To lead us and protect and guide us on

And help us to overcome our fears.

And one sweet day may come

When we may work with the angels, too,

And maybe when we’ve finally made it home

We will come back as the angels do.

 Give great thanks to the Guardian Angels

And the Legions of Angels helping the Lord,

And know when you call out in times of need

Though you might not see them

they are there with you to help you on your way

So give great thanks to all the Angels

who serve you and protect you everyday

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