deep Gratitude

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Deep Gratitude

When I look back upon this Life I’ve had

I feel so very Blessed by God

For there have been so many Miracles

And Such gifts that I have possessed

I’ve walked thru dazzling beauty of nature

And so many wonders of this place

And recall the mystical visions

That have guided me to Heavens space

And as I pause and reflect here

My heart is filled with such deep gratitude

At the love that I’ve been given to share

And the ones I’ve known who truly care

Each Life has its lessons

Each life knows some pain

Each life has it story

And we all have a role to play

Each life has it’s dreams and memories

And some sparkle so radiant and Bright

Some cast a long glow

And some define our lives

And through this life and it’s long journey here

There have been so many revelations to share

And so much to discover about Spirit

and how we can live with it here.

For God has shined a light so bright

 upon my hungry soul

and the Masters have whispered words to me

so I could share what they would show

and sometimes I feel such a wonder

at how there is still so much more to know

When I look upon this life

I feel such Gratitude

to the Angels and the Guides

and to my family and friends here too

And so I bow and say thank you God

For the life I’ve been given here

And the precious time I could spend with you

And the multitude of blessings I’ve been graced with here.

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