God Speaks to us

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God Speaks to us

God Speaks to us in Oh so many ways

In the beauty in this life we see

That we try to capture it and share it

In  Creations living gallery.

How do interpret the glory of sunrise

That is lit with spirit’s fire

We all understand the universal language

Of the mountains and the oceans that inspire.

What does the innocence of a baby’s face speak to you

Or the lines of wisdom on an elders face

or the crooked smile of a child

that says I love you to their mother everyday

God paints his beauty across the skies

And it’s given to us to see

The infinite blessings of Creation

Are all given to us for free

God speaks to us through music

The calling of the birds,

The sound of the waves crashing on the cliffs

All part of a symphony of sounds to observe.

And at times God speaks so loudly

That we really cannot ignore it

And then we try to capture the scene

In a photo or some words to remind how it astounds us

For the language of the Lord

Is universal and true

And everyone can appreciate

The beauty of God’s gifts that do renew

We have so many ways to listen

If we can take a little time

We’ll find that God is speaking to us

In every moment in time

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