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Wait for it to come to you

For all good things take time

And while you’re waiting you will learn

That you can prepare for what you’ll find.

Take a moment to be present

And receive what’s there in you

Be open to the truth you are

And you’ll find that good things grow as you do.

So often we are spinning 

Faster than the Earth we’re on 

our minds go faster than the speed of light

It’s no wonder we can not be found

And often we don’t take the time

To let God’s Blessings come

It’s so hard to receive the gifts of Light

When your life is too full to be still and know.

And you don’t need to stress

And you don’t need to worry why

You just need to stop and take a moment

To find out why you don’t need to even try.

Here on earth things take time

To be created and to come to you

So don’t be afraid to take some time

To be in the silence and find the Love in you

There is so much truth 

That is always waiting there inside

And there is such abundance of Beauty

That you will find.

And you may need to learn to wait

For all good things to come

And find that little opening

That allows you to be found

There are so many blessings in your life

Is you could just take the time

You’ll find that they will come to you

Just wait and see what you will find.

Love Letters from GodWhere stories live. Discover now