Celebrate the Harvest

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It's Harvest time!!! and I got today that there is a Spiritual Harvest, just as there is a Earth Harvest, and we can Celebrate Harvest and the spiritual gifts that return fromthe seeds we planted..so.

Celebrate the Harvest 

Let your Life be a celebration

 of God’s Love while you are here.

And Nourish your Heart and Soul

With the beauty that is creation’s gifts 

Which are the palette God’s living paint box of light

 which we live and breathe and where miracles appear.

Nourish your soul with the Light of the living Son

And nourish your heart with the energy of Love

And become a part of the universe

That feeds the moon and stars as they dance as one

To the song of this perfect energy in this given space and time.

Let your dream of Happiness flourish

And let the Harvest of the season come

 And look at the blessings that feed your life

and welcome the ones who seek to share in the Bounty

of the Gifts of God’s plentiful delights

Open your heart to receive all the blessings

Of God’s abundant joy

And nourish yourself with inspiration

That is part of the circle of life’s way

And in the circle of life’s sweet dream

Is the Giving and taking that in harvest time we see

As we make the decisions of what we choose we need

To feed and what is returned to plant new seeds

and Harvest time is a celebration

of all the seeds that were planted with such care.

And it is a time to celebrate

and it can be a way to recognize the work and love you shared.

And when we celebrate the bounty of the gifts given

We say thank you to God for the gifts we’ve received

On this planet that spins through the universe

and endlessly supplies us with the nourishment we need.

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