What if

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What if….

What if I were to become the blossoms of the One Flower of the World,

And I am intoxicated by the Bliss from the One that Breathes in

The Fragrance of  this gift given to the universe.

And with each breath of this being the spirit experiences

Each dream this flower was,

Which is now is the essence of the Presence

Formless yet remembering its roots in form

Ahh, the sweet, sweet dreams held by creation

Grown by the light God’s inspiration

Given the freedom to exist and experience this blessing

Of being Love in expression.

What if,

we are the one Light that is the spark in the Mind of God,

and we are the Love that holds the blossoms as they fall to earth

With a reason for being in form

so that we may see the love of Creation

that is in you and me, as you and me and the Flower

from which we were born.


What if,

 in understanding we are merged

and in merging we are united as One

One Flower,      One Fragrance,

One Light and One Love.

One God and One humanity

And as the flower grows and is here and gone

So we are given a memory

To remember the magic of the Power of Love

And the Light of God’s pure energy

Alive in the Divine Dance of the Song of Creation

In the blossoming of a flower,

Seen, by the light of being, experienced as life

With the presence of being and becoming

til we merge as the Love of the One

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