My Christmas Card to Christ

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As I was Writing Christmas Cards, it occurred to me I had never written one to Christ.. so this is

My Christmas Card to Christ

Lord, help me to celebrate Your Birth

With the presence of your divine Light

That is brought into my life

On the cold and darkest time of night

Let me live my life

 as you showed me to

with your life as an example

of how to serve God as you choose to

For you have always had such patience

And shown such compassion 

for the Children of God here

and you loved them knowing

 how in time they would grow

And as you chose to forgive all

Let me also understand how to forgive too

And us you see the good in all souls

may I learn to see God’s presence there be renewed

And when I’m tired and weary

May your spirit lead me on

And may your inspiration

Be my heartfelt  Christmas song

And when all else seems to slip away

May I have the faith to pray

And ask for the path to you be clear

And find a way find your Light in the darkness here.

And I offer you my heart and soul

As a way to worship your birth

So I may be born again to to be 

a worthy servant of your blessed teachings 

I wish you Happy Birthday Lord

And this is my Christmas card to you

For you are the reason we celebrate

And it is the time of year we can love others

As you would love them too.

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