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How do words capture the light of love

How can we understand the power of the living love

It is through personal experience that we see love,

 know love, fall in love and learn from love in form.

It was the Christ principle of love

That showed us the way of being love

 And how it can redeem our lives

For Love is our divine inheritance,

Our salvation and gift beyond reason.

Love is so often disguised in personal relationships

That would use the words and acts of love to control

And others lives and then misuse others lives.

But love is more than lust, love is more than ownership.

Love is the underlying principle of all life.

It is the Unconditional love that God expressed through Christ

that teaches us to forgive and so live and believe in true love.

That is beyond the ego’s control.

And so we are humbled in life and asked to love

And to love again, and to embrace love

In all of its many disguises knowing that we can choose to invoke love

Embrace love, and breathe in the essence of the presence of love.

And as we accept this , we begin to accept that we are love.

That we are the living energy of God’s love

And it is a love that is eternal, and never dies.

It is a love beyond the minds reason

For God is the Source of all Life

And it is God’s love that is alive in all life

And when we can love God,

We can learn to love our self

And when we love our self

We can receive love and forgive our self

And we can forgive others and love others.

For it is that love that is the reason beyond all reason

It is why we are here and it will be present when we leave here.

So in this very now moment, say yes to love,

And be oh so grateful for the power of God’s love in your life.

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