One with the Universe

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listened to Doreen Virtue Healing with Angels, yesterday. It was an inspiring talk about trusting enough to believe in the help that is there for us.

She said one thing that made a deep impression. That was that we are One with The Angels and God so we have a right to ask for help.

I knew this but when I heard here say this something clicked.  I wrote this.

“You are One with the Universe and the Stars

 Your body can feel God's love in your heart

For all the elements are aligned in truth

 With the Earth, Water, Air and the Sky united in you"

Life is your vehicle while here on earth

while Spirit holds the Chalice

Of all Holy energy and rebirth.

 Receive the Blessings of Spirit while on this land

And Hold your  Soul’s Chalice up to the Light

So hold your Chalice up to God

and receive the Blessings of Love that you are

And Let that Chalice

 Pour it’s Light upon you

The Blessings of Love’s healing power

A power that can restore and renew .

Let go of all the past Restrictions and Pain

Let Go of the Ego and it’s limited Domain.

For the Soul is open to the Light of Pure Love

While the Ego would hold you back and control

You can Embody the truth of the Soul

And the Truth is alive who you really are and knows

How you can fulfill your life’s purpose goals.

You can find union with God

while in this body you have

And that Souls Chalice is yours

to pour forth the Life Force given to humans

Let the Universe speak to your heart

So you can speak of this Magic of which we’re part

For we can hear the Music of God’s Love within

So listen to Sound of Heaven and earth below

For it is one cosmic energy that we can join in

It’s one great dream from the Creator within

That leads us all to find how we live together as one

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