How would you be the Presence

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And  as you appear before the throne of God

And the source of Love and Light

And ask ,

How would you express your presence in me?

And listen to hear,

 As you receive life, so you receive understanding

Receive the touch of the angels wings as they surround your soul

Receive the grace of the Blessings in your life that come to you as love

Breathe in the fragrance of Heavens garden

As the blossoms of bliss fall from on high

And redeem your heart

Redeem your soul and let all judgment  go.

For the presence of the Lord of Love

Accepts all of who you are

Just believe enough to be open

To let all fear go

And let God’s Presence be with you

As your guiding light

And stand before the throne of God

As you would stand before your life

And be ever so grateful for the blessings

That come in oh so many ways

And be ever worthy of the lessons

That are given to you each day

And be a part of the exchange of this love

That expresses God’s presence so clear

As You express the Presence to me

So you can Be with the Presence here.

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