The Inner and Outer Feast of Thanksgiving

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The Feast of Thanksgiving

Prepare for the feast of thanksgiving

And all the blessings that are waiting

If you are just able to receive

And when we are so abundantly blessed

From fruits of life’s rewards

We can share the gifts we’re given

with those who are in need

And so it goes on and on

In a circle that goes round and round

And the Spirit of God feeds our soul

With the reward of love and light

And it is a Season that brings us

A chance to laugh and be happy

And appreciate all of what is important in our life

And so we say Thank You on Thanksgiving

And we take the time to prepare

For the feast of all that is good here

And all we have been given to share

And as we receive God’s love and energy

We bow our heads and pray

That all may share the abundance of life’s blessings

And our harvest from this sacred land

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