Light revealed

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Oh life revealed,

Through the veil of time,

The years  given where the seed

 of  the one flower of God creation abides

Through our daily offerings

Through all of space and time

How we manifest and what we bring

To light that we come to find

The little blessings,

The many ways we seek

and how we decide to spend our time on earth

For each day is a celebration

And each moment a rebirth

Oh, Love revealed

Through our connection

Our roots that spring from Love Divine

We are the blossoms of creation

With petals soft that caress the mind

the fragrance that enchants the soul

With a promise we remember each day

Oh life that brings this love to Earth

And the blessings of God’s grace

That in silence we do find

Reveal the truth,

Reveal the way,

Reveal the heart  that shines

And when the  Light's revealed to me

May I become the Flower 

at the alter of  God’s presence divine

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