How the Angels Celebrate Christmas

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I was Given the Gift of a Christmas Story by the Angels, and would like to share it with you

How the Angels Celebrate Christmas

I sat in the stillness before dawn had come

At Christmastime after all the shopping was done

And I was tired from all hustle and upset

That I had spent way too much this year.

So I looked up to my favorite Angel

I always placed on the Top of the tree each year.

And I asked the Angel to please tell me

If the Angels celebrate Christmas in Heaven  

and if they do, what way would that be

And the Magic of the Season

Brought that angel to come and show me

And lead me to Heaven so I could See

And I opened wide my eyes and looked deep inside

To a place where the true meaning of Christmas might be

And the angel offered to lift me high

And led me to Christmas in Heaven so I could find

How the Angels Celebrate Christmas Time

And is was not about buying presents each year

And the spending of money did not matter there

And there was no Santa promising gifts for each child’s there

Instead the Angel guided me by a star so Bright 

Through a radiant and holy silent night

To a place in heavens Halls that shone a brilliant light

And Mary and Joseph were waiting there

And the Wise men were the Masters with gifts they beared

And there were the animals, and the sheep so white

And a Multitude of Angels and Beloved ones near

And a choir of angels sang praises of the Glory

to honor glory and the rebirth of the Christed ones.

And a Holy Presence was felt

As a Dove Circled and came down

And a shimmering vibration came to each one there

As the Christ came and was present to share

with all  who gathered together

to celebrate Christmas with the Angels here

and the Love of all love

came into each heart

as the angels sang of the Glory

and we all sang our part

And throughout the Halls of Heaven 

The echo was heard

And a brilliant flash of Light occurred

And there then came a silence

And God’s presence was there

With a Face of Perfect Love

That brought truth and compassion

And healing to all present there

And there was a Union of God and the Christ

and the merging brought forth a blaze of Enlightenment

with an understanding of the Purpose of all life

and in this gathering it’s almost impossible to say

how beautiful the Love that is shared in Heaven on Christmas Day

And a prayer was said for those on Earth

A prayer for Peace, and for forgiveness, too

A prayer to aid all humankind 

and for hope to be renewed.

there is such gratitude for the Message given to me

and I realized how Holy the gift of life can be

And I was lifted to this Glory

And brought down to my knees

And I realized there is so much more power

When we do say Merry Christmas, 

rather than Just Happy holidays

For with each Christmas wish we remember

What this time of year is really about

As we engage in a Celebration

 Of Christ’s miraculous  Birth

And we all can find the Gift given us to share

When we discover that the light of Christ 

Is born once again in our hearts each year

And so with the Angels blessings I say, 

Merry Christmas to all on this Christmas day.

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