The Sacred intersections of our Life

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In the sacred intersections of our lives

In the place where we come to be

At the times that we are aligned with all

Of what we are and what we came here to see

And when the spirit flows through us

To the heart of our hearts where it can abide

and as a magnet we’re drawn with a hunger  for a love

 that we so need to believe is here in life

and at the meeting place we find

how to own our lives and time

for there is so much more in life

that we might ever really find

and we are humbled when we stop and allow

the compassion that sets us free,

 there is such grace in understanding

and in the moment we can really be,

a part of the eternal light of God

and here on earth at the intersection we can meet

and in the darkness we watch the Light

for we are meant to hope and believe

and we will come to the point in our lives where

Spirit and matter do meet           

And the sacred intersections Collide

 and the atoms and the particles of life are released

into the universe  in spirit we fly

and we enter the center at crossroads of life

  and there we just stop and allow

the spinning of the  wheel  of  time

til we come to the sacred intersections,

at the power spot in heaven and earth

we breath in  and find our reason

and we embrace the love that gave us birth

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