The Soul

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The Soul

The Soul Is your inner spark of Life Force

That carries the light of God within.

It is who you truly are.

It is what has carried through lifetime after lifetime.

It has been there for you since before you were born

 and will be there for you when you leave this body behind.

The soul is your true connection to God

It is the way you can connect to God’s light and love,

And the way you can connect to all beings.

For we are all souls on this journey through life.

And in our souls we can all be joined together as one.

It is your eternal companion and it carries you true purpose in life

For your Soul know why you have chosen to be here in this lifetime

And when it is time to leave.

It is thus, your resource for inspiration, and it always there

When you go into the quiet place within to meditate and pray.

It can be your objective observer to give you an overview

 of what you are doing during your day.

Your soul is there to give your life meaning.

It is that still small voice that speaks to your heart

 and gives you the strength to carry on

Just as the sun gives light and life force to the earth, so our soul gives

our life it’s light and life force.

Let your soul be your true companion.

Your connection to the Masters and the angels of the Lord.

Let your soul be your connection with God.

Truly all that is written here came from spirit to my Soul.

Go to your soul in the quiet of the Morning before the sun arises,

Go to your soul at night before you sleep.

Go to your soul to join with God.

Let your Soul fill you with the True blessings of Life, and light and love

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