Lord let me be in Your presence

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Lord, I ask that your presence be with me

Right here and now

And I allow myself to be your servant

With all the tools I have been given

  dedicated to that presence.

I ask that I be aware of your living Light

In my Body mind, heart and soul

And that I feel God’s Gift of your grace

Alive in the Christ Consciousness here

In this very moment in time and space

I send this light out with love to this who are in need

to the world’s peacekeepers

and all other who serve you

For your light is alive with the living love

Of God’s pure energy

And our very being can be transformed

By your Holy Presence.

I offer this light and love that I am

At the alter of the Chalice

And I drink from  living chalice of your spirit

Of God’s living light and love

with Christs presence alive in us

Lord let me be an agent for your Light and love

And as I connect with you

May your presence connect through me

And guide and direct my words, thoughts and work

Let your presence enlighten me with your blessings

And let me share those blessings of light and love

Right Here and Now and always

I thank you Lord for these precious gifts

 and for all that you are

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