Something so Bright and Beautiful

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Something so Bright and Beautiful

Something so Bright and Beautiful

Sometimes comes our way

And we may wish to hold onto it

And own it so it won’t slip away

For it is so very Precious

And it shines like the Diamond of Life

And it can be a magnet

So we’re drawn to it’s brilliant light

All the Blessed Angels

And the Ones who are Guardians of this life

Silently watch over us

And pray we’ll be alright

And here on Earth we rarely see

The Treasures that abound

And we often take for Granted

The gifts we are given that surround us

But there is Something so Bright and Beautiful

That Silently watches over our lives

And there are miracles that are happening

As we go our way, every day and every night

And if we were to just take a moment

To realize how blessed we really are

We might thank our lucky stars

And be so grateful for the Love there in our hearts

For it is Oh so very Beautiful

And it shines like a Diamond so Bright

we are these souls that live as passengers

in these temporary Bodies Life after life.

So thank all of the Angels

And the Guardians who help us on the way

And take the time to stop

And count Your blessings each day.

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