Chapter 23 - Naval Landing of Schielde Part 3

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The Marines had already captured the Southern part of the fortress. Leopard tanks mercilessly plow through the brick walls of the fortress. Marksmen took care of the archers from the top of the wall, MANPADs took out any remaining wyverns of the Empire.

Hundreds upon hundreds of beasts and humans corpses lie on top of each other as they forcefully swarm the Cardonians only to be met with horrendous firepower. If they will not be killed by the tank, the IFV's would mow them down with automatic cannon fire, followed by the personal weapons of the Marines. The tight streets of the city provides maximum firepower of the Marines as they could easily focus their firepower to mow down waves after waves of Empirial soldiers. It was a one sided massacre.

"IMPOSSIBLE! WE ALREADY LOST TWO THIRDS OF OUT FORCES!" grunted the Empirial Commander as he can see his helpless troops get easily killed from long range.

"Commander, the wave tactic clearly isn't working, the troops are losing morale by the minute!" an officer dared say upon their 'Great Commander'.

"YOU DARE QUESTION THE TACTIC OUR LORD CAME UP WITH?! A CONTINENT WAS BROUGHT DOWN BECAUSE OF THIS!" the Imperial Commander angrily shouted. He too realizes it but can't believe it. His forces far outnumbers the invading forces at 40 to 1. He overlooks the whole battle from the high tower of the massive fortress inside the city. The Cardonians can't easiky bombard it, as reports said, that there civilians trapped inside.

"The enemy mages are beginning to advance! Our 6th wave was mowed down completely!" an Imperial officer then said.

"Get the civilians, place them in front of our troops. Mobilize the archers and musketmen just behind them. USE THEM AS SHIELDS!!" angrily shouts the Imperial Commander. He has no other options left, at this rate they would be wipe out if this prolongs.

Their ships are wiped out at the port, their prized wyverns couldn't even touch the invading army, all was left was their forces defending.

Meanwhile as the Marines slowly advance further. They are painstakingly cleared every building they've run into. Checking any civilians hiding and or those who had survived.

Media crews were also trailing behind. Recording the slaughter that is happening, but what caught their eyes are the civilians. Bunch of their corpses are piled into groups, some shows signs of being tortured, the women are possibly raped to death and the remaining Archesian forces who've fought to the death are hanged in stakes.

It was a scene not for the faint hearted. The reporters that are with them were against this military offensive, but seeing first hand that even a child was helplessly mangled to ground, left some vomiting and crying. This would later on be showed to every household in Cardonia, justifying  the actions of the Regent for this "military humanitarian aid".

This event would also shift the mindset of the Cardonian who are primarily a peaceful pacifist country. Throughout the entire history of the country, they've remained neutral, but of course to maintain this neutrality a powerful military needs to back them up, thus all of their equipment.

"Ceasefire! Ceasefire!" shouts one of the marines.

"Those monsters!"

"I'm gonna kill those monsters!"

Angrily chanted by the Marines.

The civilians were bounded and were tied together and are marching towards them. Halting the advance of the marines.

Men, women, child and the elderly. No one were spared and from the looks of them, they have gone through hell. These event were being recorded by the media and will later on enrage the normal citizens and cursing the Empire.

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