Chapter 41 - Invasion Of Giniana

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Day 4
1 PM

Two AH-64D Apaches, conduct patrols near the shoreline of the designated landing site, it's a long stretch of white sands, perfect for a large naval landing.

On the Endeavour the Archesians watch helplessly as this synchronized chaos unfurls on the whole ship. Helicopters are being prepared on the hangar below and above the deck. Below the ship, a giant garage full of different iron vehicles are being prepared. Hundreds of Marines are embarking on the giant AAV-7s and the landing crafts.

The Cardonians are redefining their knowledge on naval landings, wherein traditionally it involves a lot of wooden dingies.

They were then suprised when the aft end of the ship began to take on water.

"Wait! Are we sinking?!" asked one of the Archesians

"NO! We are not! Marines are launching!" shouts one the ships crew. The loud noise produced by different engines make it impossible to hear each other.

The aft end then began to open and this larger boat, an EDA-R LCU were the first one to go. Aboard it are two Pandur II FSV's equipped with 105mm gun. The two smaller boats have one each, but these are similar with the Czech variant, a 30 mm with two ATGMs.

After the boats leave the ship, 8 AAV's then splashed towards the water and exited the ship.

They've circled near the ship and got in formation.

All of these were captured on the lenses of the few media men onboard the Endeavour.


"Ok, literally, Coast is clear. No evident Imperial forces, beachhead is clean!" the gunner on one of the Apache's circling the beach said on radio.

"Copy that, beginning landing operation."



The Regent accompanied the Ginianian Prince, Artur Leon, on the the bridge of the Endeavour. They are overlooking the whole landing operation, the Ginian Prince marvels at the large formation of Cardonian vehicles, their ships might be limited but they are far more larger than what the Imperials are primarily using and are built with steel. The Prince then, with confidence, thought that this invasion would surely succeed.

The presence of these Ginians were kept from the public, for security reasons. Their Princess and some of their 'soldiers' were left behind. But half of them joined the invasion fleet. They are to provide communication between the locals, they are the ones responsible to explain that Cardonia is on their side.

The first wave are composed of the 8 AAV-7's, closely followed followed by 8 small landing crafts with a platoon of Marines from the LST's. They are then going to be supported by the FSV's.

The Apaches hover on top of the beachhead, providing overwatch on the landing forces.

But the landing force came unopposed. There were no sign of any Imperials.

The AAV's landed, the Marines disembarked and then pushed forward along with the AAVs, securing the beachhead.

With that, a beachhead were established easily. The 2nd wave of Marines then secured a 500 meter perimeter defense line encountering no opposition.

The whole naval landing were unopposed, the LST's then were beached and unloaded tons of vehicles and equipment.


2 PM

"Beachhead secured. We can now launch Phase 2." an officer said.

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