Chapter 77 - Church And It's Secrets

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Prince Andruie have finally arrived on one of the secret chambers on the large coastal fortress. He had experienced such an extraordinary day when a few hours ago the Scolusians have launched an air raid.

He proceeded alone on the small room reminiscent of medieval times. Awaiting him was a man in a very tight black suit. He is standing next to the old fortress windows, with the setting sun behind him, an aesthetic scene.

"Good day, Your Highness. Did you have a fun afternoon?" the man saif as he fixed his eyeglasses.

"Could have been better, and you never cease to amaze me Agent Belgium, fashionable as always." the Prince replied.

"Hehe, you flatter me Your Highness. But please address me with the usual." this Agent Belgium then replied.

"Sigh, alright alright. However, they are running late huh Manager?" Andruei asked.

This man then turned on his clipboard, revealing an Ipad size device embedded on it. "They would be arriving in. 3. 2. 1!"

As soon as he uttered the last number, the wall just on his left them pop opened.

A man and a woman then emerge from what seemed to be a secret door.

"Hoho, Agent Prague, and that researcher. Welcome to our secret fort! Hehe, did you feel as actual spies now? Ya know, with the secret entrance and stuff?!"

"Stop it manager. I have bring our resource person. He recently arrived from Archesia and has fresh info." Agent Prague replied.

"Splendid, splendid you are as magnificent as the city name before you. Oho, what do we have here? We have new members coming in Prince Andruie." energetically uttered by this man called 'Manager'.

A wooden plank near the wine shelf then slowly creak opened and two woman then emerge from the tight hole.

One of the two has very noticeable dress. She is wearing a full dress.

"Sigh, why do we need to go through the underground entrance?!" spouted the woman in the full dress.

"Hey hey don't be too naggy about that Agent Sofia. You should take Agent Riga as an example, that calm demeanor is very lovely isn't it?! She was the perfect one to infiltrate those church dudes." said the Manager.

Manager or Agent Belgium is the one in charge of the overall operations of CRIS agents on the field. He acts and works as Head Manager of the chain of hotels owned and operated by the Cardonian crown.

The Royal Family is earning much of their funds through their businesses, this is because of the national law greatly limiting the family's share on the national budget. Not only they operate hotels worldwide, a good percentage of the shares of the country's Flag Carrier, the Cardonia Air were owned by the Royal Family.

And much of the earnings of the Royal Family are surprisingly well spent. They use the funds greatly for the armed forces, health and livelihood programs and even scholarships.

Now, how and why does CRIS agent's work at the hotels? Because they've learned where to get much needed info without them even leaving the hotel's premises or even the country. This is the brainchild of the current King, it once started as a limited test that ended up being the norm.

Because of the neutrality of the Kingdom of Cardonia, most countries used the Kingdom as a third party mediator. As such, this countries would then send their respective delegation to begin their talks. This delegates are then information goldmine, in which CRIS are itching to exploit.

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