Chapter 86 - Magical and Mysterious

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The corvette Santan and patrol ship Lana, departed the port town with a grand sendoff by the Groivorians. Within a week the two ships have established diplomatic ties with the island Kingdom and secured and brokered trade deals. The ships are currently stocked with raw rubber materials packed in large wooden crates with a total eauivalent of 4, 20 foot containers which are mostly stacked on the mission bay of the large coast guard ship.

The Litenian merchants here were informed that the Cardonian Navy were able to greet their visiting fleet a few days ago in the high seas. This proves the Cardonian clains that they also have long range communication equipment at far better ranges. Unknown to them that a C295 Persuader aircraft on regular patrols were throwing the radio signals from the two ships back at home.

A surprising news were then able to reach the Cardonians. It seems, the dormant labyrinths deep in the Groivorian forests were reactivated. Monsters began to spawn relentlessly, oddly similar to what have happened on Archesia with the volunteers. But it doesn't stopped them on leaving the country.

Unhindered with their slow moving fishing and research vessels, the two ships maintained a speed of 21 knots as they leave the island Kingdom.

And by the next day, early in the morning they have reached the shoals and islets where various questionable encounters occured.

Due to the nature of the path, the ships has to slow down to 13 knots for their side scan sonars to track the sea floor accurately. The small S-76 helicopter aboard the Lana were sent out as navigation aides to guide the ships out of the perilous waters. Getting grounded here was out of the question, it would take at best a week before a rescue fleet could arrive from Esden, and the cost of sending such a large number of ship for one stranded ship is astronomical that would surely send anyone at the helm to office desk work.

This time the ships passed by the shoals uneventful. They were able to steer clear of the protruding rocks and reefs and there is no sign of the mysterious sea creatures.

They thought.

Upon passing the last shoal and into the deep water.

"Increase speed to 18 knots, steady as she goes!" Captain Francis Cylvania ordered.

The ship then began to rattle, as if they hit something.

The creaking sound of metal emanated from the ship's hull.

"WHAT WAS THAT?! ROCKS?" asked the Captain.

"Side scan sonar is malfunctioning!"


"Order that chopper to so survey above us. Get men on the bow and look what have happened!" said Captain Francis.

But then an alert sound rang indicating that this ship hull has been breached.


"SPEED IS NOMINAL SIR!" replied the helmsman, but then the phone rang.


Their simple quiet cruise has now slowly turning into what seems to be a disaster.

As the sailors onboard scrambled to get a hold of the situation, the coast guard chopper is now hovering above them, but they've reported nothing out of the ordinary. If it was a big fish or sea creature, the bright sunny day and the crystal clear waters should easily cast the shadow of anything underneath, but there was none.

Knowing that it might be the works of the large fish, the Captain ordered to increase the ship's speed. The patrol ship Lana, broke formation and also sped up.

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