Chapter 74 - Air Raid

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Sirens blared on the only air base located on the capital. It is located north of the International airport and solely tasked to intercept and protect the Capital and the surrounding provinces under it's area of responsibility.

Facing the Atlantic, the Squadron is also tasked for anti-shipping and area denial. The Falcons or the 101st Squadron is known as the Cardonian Version of the Capital Guardians.

Sharing with the F-16 squadron, the air base also housed the various helicopters by the Navy, and the carrier based Harriers were also based here before their retirement.



The announcement echoed throughout the whole airbase. Airmen and aircrew jumps from their current positions and sprinted towards the park aircrafts on the hardened hangars. 

Four F-16 Blk 50+ are on quick reaction standby. The grey aircrafts even with their conformal fuel tanks are still sleek and beautiful.

Armed with a pair of AMRAAM's, Derby and Phyton AAM's they are really armed to the teeth.

The crews then immediately prepared the aircrafts conducting pre flight checks and igniting the engines.

After a few minutes the aircrafts are ready to barrel down the runway. And when the air defense controller gave them the go signal. They immediately taxied on the runway and took off with full afterburners.



The operator on the Air Defense Wing said through the radio.

It was only the second time that a scramble order was given out, the first being when a dragon attacked them on the onset of the "Great Migration". The origins of the dragon until now remains a mystery as they race should have been wioed out hundreds of years ago. The Archesians confirmed this, as currently the only thing closest to a dragon that is living today are the dragonfolks, humanoid dragons not full fledged fire breathing monsters as such they concluded that it might be a Demon but suprisingly it was killed by an explosive conventional weapon rather than a magic imbued spear or arrow. But knowing that their Regent fired a tandem HEAT charged RPG towards it, the Cardonians then concluded that demon or not, it is killable with enough firepower.

The skies above and near Cardonia was only cluttered with the very few commercial flights going to Archesia and fighter aircrafts going to the Northern Island, as such any bogey detected on the Western sector would be instantly recognized.

Everyone on the Headquarters are quietly watching in anticipation as the aircrafts made their way towards the supposed targets.

They've silently watched as three bogeys appeared, then another four closely followed them.

"How can we be sure that they are Scolusians? And how can they possibly possess aircrafts when most of their fleet are made up of sailing ships?" the Defense Minister then asked.

"We can only confirm the presence of airships on our most recent overflight above the Empire. We were not able to observe any fixed wing aircrafts. As such the chances that those are not Scolusian are pretty high. But basing on their current speed and altitude this are probably early generation biplanes." the Air Force commander added.

Everyone is left speculating until the fighters reached the said aircrafts. The F-16's tried to match the slow speed of the large biplanes that looks like made up of wood and cloth with four large radial engines similar to those found on Azalean and Dylaslan airships.

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