Chapter 8 - Confusion

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A day has passed since the incident.

The emergency meeting held by top officials has ended with no resolution. The issue brought up by the Church are immediately  classified as a top secret. The military was then mobilized to secure the border. Air and sea travel was put to hold. And with the Martial Law in place the only vehicles that run in the streets are public transportation and that of the government.

The Cardonian Stock Market has shut down. The economy is in a standstill. Everyone is already panic buying. The whole country is in unrest. The event's that happened has no official explanation. People are enraged with what is going on.  A day has passed but electricity is only provided on a rotational basis.

Telecommunications isn't usable.  The only broadcast on their televisions and radios are that of the government emergency stations. Everyone is still bewildered, they have no idea on what really happened. They can only rely on mere speculations. And the most famous of them all is that, Europe has succumb to nuclear bombs. This is the only rational explanation to explain the EMP that occurred and with the sudden mobilization of troops and reserve.

To confirm that the Kingdom did really was transferred to another world. Patrol planes of the air force was sent to scout the 50 kilometer radius of the borders of the country. The old but modernized P-3 Orion's and the newer C-295 kitted out to conduct Maritime Patrol was mobilized.

One of those P-3 Orion was sent to the border of Spain. They are tasked to scout the area and to fly near the coastal cities of Spain.

"This is Owl-3 we are 50 kilometers away from the supposed border to Spain. We can confirm that the topography has really changed. The supposed location of Spanish cities has been replaced by mountains and vast fields. And we spot some settlements. Settlements that have equal technology of that of the medieval era.", the lead pilot informed HQ.

Top officials both from the government and the military are paying close attention of the live video feed provided by the patrol plane.

"Tsk, sadly we can really confirm the claims of the Archpriest. No matter how we look at it, it's the only notional reason. The whole country did transfer to an another world.", a top Senator then uttered.

"How did this happen? What do you think our neighbors 'back on Earth' think? They cannot simply turn a blind eye when a country suddenly disappeared don't they?", a Nobleman then asked.

"And especially a country like Cardonia? A first world country just suddenly disappeared?", a Military Official then uttered.

"And what about the civilians? How do we explain this situation  we are in? Will they believe this? That we magically are transported to another world?", a Senator then brought up interesting questions.

"And how about our economy? Our much needed goods that we import from other countries? ", another Senator asked.

"At this point we can really confirm that we did were transported to another world. We have no choice but to deal with it. When it comes to food supply I do believe we have reach self sufficiency. And of course our oil supply. At our current production  rate we can only support half of our total vehicles. Of course then we can fully support our military though.", a Nobleman then replied.

"And our powerplants are mostly coal powered and if the nuclear ones are returned to operational status, we can hold off.", the Energy Department head said as he was only able to join them a couple of minutes ago.

"I think we can leave most of the explanation to the Church. Having 80% of the population believing them is a blessing.", a Senator then uttered.

"Good idea then. We can wash our hands from the mess that it would incur. And we can support the statement of the Church by providing the information we gathered as of now. There's no point hiding the 'truth' we are seeing to our citizens, covering this up might cost us later.", a Nobleman then suggested. This idea is the most favorable one that they come up with.

But suddenly a transmission came in.

"This is Owl-1, we have spotted a wall of smoke approximately 100 kilometers away. Requesting permission to continue.", the pilot radioed in.

"Owl-1?, wait aren't they assigned  on the French side?", a Military officer asked.

"We can confirm that Owl-1 is tasked to scout the area beyond the town of Celeb and Vilez. They should be deep in the French territory.", another officer then replied.

"This is Owl-1, we can confirm that we are tasked to scout the French border. But the sceneries have changed greatly, neighbouring cities are nowhere to be found. And the only lead we got is the billowing smoke approximately a hundred kilometers away from out current position. I repeat this is Owl-1 requesting confirmation to proceed to suspected area.", the crew replied.

"This is HQ, you are giver permission to proceed to suspected area. Observe and investigate thoroughly.", a military officer then replied after the commanding officers gave them the green light to proceed.

Meanwhile on the ground on the town of Celeb a few hours before.

"Your Highness, oh I mean Captain. The rest of our Battalion has arrived. Further relief efforts could now be done.", a soldier then reported to Prince Kharles.

"Good to hear, I'll meet the new commander. I heard great things from him.", the Prince replied.

APC's and trucks rolled in the outskirts of the town. They parked on the newly built FOB or Forward Operating Base. Materials and equipments were quickly ferried in by the Army and the Air Force.

An APC then drove pass by the large convoy and parked near the tent of the supposed command center. Outside, the Prince is waiting for someone. That someone is the current Commanding Officer of the Prince Battalion. A dedicated Battalion who accepts direct orders from the Crown Prince. The King has the Royal Guards, a Regiment on the Army that answers directly to the King, within the Regiment, the Prince Battalion is then assigned to accept orders from the next in line on the crown.

A burly man in his late 40's emerge from the armored vehicle. As he saw the Crown Prince personally recieving him. He quickly fixed his form and gave the Prince his best salute.

"Your Highness!, I'm Lt. Col. Jhames Choro. Current CO of your army. Reporting in.", the man replied.

"Lt. Col. no need for formalities, you are the higher officer here. And I heard great news on you, congratulations for your promotion.", the Prince replied.

"Your Highness, I insist. On paper you are a Captain, but we all know you're the next King, so I'll insist!", the man replied in his deep, calm and somewhat commanding voice.

"Very well then Colonel, I respect your wishes.", the Prince answered back.

The Lt. Colonel explained to the Prince that he only brought over half of the Prince Battalion into the town, consisting only a Motorized and two Mechanized companies. A tank company under his command is being prepositioned near the border and the artillery company is now being prepared to nestle nearby, this is in accordance to the requests of the HQ. That all available military units are to secure the border at once.

The Colonel then began to takeover on the whole operations ongoing on the base. He is currently the highest ranking officer in the field. Thus it is his responsibility to command the military forces present there.

First a massive firefighting operation is still ongoing, a good part of the town is still burning. Followed by rescue operation, finding survivors is no easy task with the massive rubble thay covered a good portion of the town. The current deployed personnel brought in by helicopters are not enough, but two companies are more than enough to help.

Meanwhile on the tank company being prepostioned near the border, 14 Leopard 2-A6 rolled down the sleepy countryside. These are the top of the line tanks of the Royal Cardonian Army, the most modern tanks in the country. The company was ordered set up a defense line on the small border road. They are to support and check up on the border guards stationed there.

The small road connecting to France has dissappeared and was replaced by a lush greeneries and fields. The soldiers check up on the border guards and found out they were fast asleep. They wake them up, and was interrogated. They learnt they have no clear memories on what happened and they are just as suprised as them to find that the border has significantly changed. From the hills and mountains to trees and fields.

And as the soldiers set up their perimeter. They were suprised when a P-3 Orion from the Air Force flew above them only a couple thousand feet. The same plane that will discover something beyond the new border.

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