Chapter 59 - Naval Blockade

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"Enemy convoy 20 clicks away. Group of 20 ships!"

"Battery release! FIRE!"



The forward five inch gun of the Revenge roared in action. Revenge is part of the five ship blockade of the seas north of the Dwarven Kingdom of Naldia. There is two major seas connecting the Empire of Scolus and Dylasla, one is the Timone Channel, the sea between the Western continent and that of the Northern island. The other is of course the waters north of the "northern island".

Five ships of the Cardonian task force were dispersed into this large body of water, almost 80km apart, they formed a long line spanning almost 400 kilometers. The five ships are composed of three frigates namely, Revenge, Remembrance, Scout and two corvettes the Tulip and Sunflower.

Formidable as it seems the ships could only go for almost a month here, it can be extended to a few more weeks with the help of the Replenishment ships. But the sheer lack of enough ships could be obviously seen. For the past month alone, both Naval and Coast Guard ships were continuously deployed in patrolling key areas around Archesia to support and protect the local fisherman and ongoing oil explorations from the pirate threat from down south. The Cardonian fleet is stretch out too far and thin.

Although Cardonia has quite a large navy for a comparative size of the country, it was set up for a pure defensive strategy with a limited expeditonary capability. The navy is only tasked and equipped to protect Cardonian shores and breakthrough any naval blockade an adversary might set up. They are a pure green water navy, but the current mission sets calls for almost near blue water capability, that means it would only be a matter of time before the ships would break down and would need repairs and replenishment. Following the rule of three, Cardonia lacks enough hulls.

That's why, Azalea joining the blockade would be of great help for the small Cardonian navy.


Five inch high explosive shells began to rain down upon the defenseless transport steamship, the shells were dead accurate, out of ten shots from the Mk.45 gun, 8 found their way into the wooden hulk of the steamship, easily destroying through it's engine and ripping the hull causing the ship to immediately list to her starboard. Their escorts, two fairly large unarmored cruisers were picked off by the two Lancer anti-ship missiles from the Revenge. A fitting name for a ship enacting vengeance towards the presumably Dylaslan ships.



The shells came screaming towards the steamships, every sailors and passengers aboard watch in horror aa this grey ship from the horizon continuously fire upon them. Within minutes four ships have already slipped beneath the waves, with four already heavily damaged, listing and slowing down.

Some of the passengers and sailors prematurely abandoned their ships. This is to save their assess from the unstoppable charging grey ship

The Revenge is commited in expending all of it's 5 inch ammunition and close the distance toward the unarmed transports. The ship then fired it's light torpedoes, primarily designed for anti submarine purposes.



Three large powerful explosions rattled three of the nearest steamships, it was quickly followed by three fairly large water wall.

The Cardonian light torpedo were powerful enough to split the keel of one of steamships, two immediately listed to their starboards as they take on water.

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