Chapter 66 - Counter-Offensive

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On the battlefield of Scharen.

The Cardonians have once again embarked on a frontal assault towards the entrenched Dylaslan positions.

Massive Leopard tanks lead the way and are quickly followed by the different IFV's and APC's and dismounted infantry taking cover from the onslaught of Dylaslan 7mm rounds.

*clang* *clink*

The sounds of ricocheting bullets from their lever-action rifles and Gatling guns emanated from the tanks.

The tanks and IFV's replied using their 120mm and 30mm respectively, quickly eliminating dozens of Dylaslans and kept the heads of hundreds more from the safety of the trench and sandbags. Cardonian mortar fire accurately destroyed the Dylaslan mortars and artillery, leaving them really outgunned.

"Keep up the pressure! We are capturing the objective today!" the field commander shouted through the radio. The objective was the hill overlooking the nearby town who has been under siege a few days back.

The Dylaslans are keeping up a desperate defense.

The armored vehicles then popped their smoke launchers. Thick grey and white smoke quickly covered the battlefield. Using the confusion the Cardonian troops rushed in hurdling tear gas towards the trenches and pillboxes, they've also used Milkor's for greater effect and range.

And after that, the Cardonian troops jumped in towards the trenches pumping 12 gauge shotgun shells towards the confused and shocked poor Dylaslan soldiers.

Within an hour of fierce resistance, the Cardonians have advance 320 meters and have captured the hill. During the chaotic battle, the Cardonians only lost a couple of soldiers and dozens only incurred injuries. While the Dylaslan body count is on the hundreds, with hundreds more lying injured and dozens surrendering. The technological gap was so far between the two belligerents resulting in a one-sided victory.

With the hill captured, M109A5's then proceeded uphill. And with the town insight.



The 155mm High Explosive shells hurdled towards the town, destroying key areas accurately, the direct fire from the SPG's proved decisive as the key Dylaslan defense positions were immediately and accurately destroyed following the bombardment. They've needed to fire directly as they need to be as much as accurate as they can to avoid civilian casualties.

The Cardonian troops besieging the town then rushed in using ladders, effectively clearing the top of the town walls.

But then.

This massive different magic circle thingy began to illuminate from the ground.

It glows brighter and brighter, this has caught the Cardonians off guard. They didn't know what to do.


The rushing Cardonian soldiers along with a few APC's were enveloped by this large explosion. Everything the magic circle touches have exploded to Kingdom come, including some of the civilians.

The large blast has caught the attention of everyone, especially the troops atop the hill, they are in vantage point clearly witnessing the ongoing carnage.

Dozens of Cardonian soldiers were caught up in the blast. Mangled bodies and the screams of the wounded quickly filled the battlefield. An M113 and a Hyena APC were also caught in the blast, with the latter the only one surviving the blast. The aluminum-hulled M113 was burned to a toast, instantly killing anyone inside it.

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