Chapter 67 - Naldian Deal

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News about last night's attack has spread like wildfire. It has now made rounds on morning news broadcast by the state television and private media. The Cardonian government is still not giving any specifics on what happened, the preliminary report only states that at least two dozen Cardonian soldiers were killed with a few Archesian and Ginian troops that were embedded in the front unit. 

And by afternoon images and videos have surfaced displaying the result of the magic attack. The tents have all burned down, pillboxes we're destroyed, the command center and medical outpost also didn't survive. Eight vehicles, three of which are APC's and the rest are IVECO LMV's have sustained heavy damages, the vehicles outer layer was burnt down.

With the news reaching the higher echelon of the Palace, the Azaleans were able to get wind off it. And they are trying to contact Prince Andruei as they would provide the necessary help.

The news also reached the Cardonian Regent, Prince Kharles, being the one in charge he was aware of the attack hours after it happened.

The Naldian King that was with him, dismisses the attack as a regular offensive by those of the Centrals.

"It seems your country hasn't had the slightest idea or understanding of how magic works. Prior to the invention of guns, magic has ruled this world. Surely it uses have diminished over time, but it was not entirely out of the picture, magic has assisted in creating many conventional weapons. It wouldn't be weird that Dylasla wouldn't follow the path of Azalea to develop much more advanced magic that would be useful in modern warfare." stated the King as they share another luxurious lunch together.

The day proceeded without any hitch, they've concluded important bilateral talks. This includes trade agreement over Naldian minerals in exchange for Cardonia's goods that range from food products, textiles, basic tools, and home appliances. A transfer of technology is also being pushed by the Naldian's over steam and electric machinery that would be useful in their current steam technology.

The Naldian's also offered their shipbuilding capability to Cardonia and to Giniana and Archesia in effect. They have learned that most of the steam freighters and even protected cruisers that the Empire regularly employs are from Naldian shipyards.

But the Cardonian Prince was also pushing for a bolder deal with the King himself. In exchange for blueprints of more sophisticated and advance steam engines and mining tools, the Naldian's would allow Cardonia to capture the stucked Dylaslan ships, it's crew, and the fifth Dylaslan Prince.

It was a very stingy and juicy offer that has left the Dwarven King gritting his teeth. The Naldian's only have to evict the Dylaslan's from their port and the Cardonian Navy would do all the work as they would waiting in ambush just beyond the horizon. The proposed tech transfer would dramatically increase their production value and will advance their current technology by at least two or three decades, a once in a lifetime deal that surpasses a mountain of gold, both figuratively, and literally.

Their talks have been cut short when the Naldian King has to leave for an urgent issue that requires his appearance.



By late afternoon, the large Royal airship has successfully landed near the Royal Palace.

The King was then greeted in full honors as he makes his way towards his Palace. He was summoned by his top officials as the Dylaslan Prince was causing a scene and was even threatening them.

"Your Highness apologies for interrupting your meeting with the Cardonians. But the Dylaslan Prince has occupied the Royal Court he has brought a platoon of armed soldiers and forcefully evicted our Royal Guards from your throne room!" Shakingly said one of his top servants.

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