Chapter 22 - Naval Landing of Schielde Part 2

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The calm coast of what look like that of a typical central Europe, are disturbed by 8 small grey boats. These are the davit launched small landing crafts by the large Landing Ship Tanks, that are following their wake.

Each small landing crafts are capable of landing a small platoon of 25 finest marines of Cardonia. Armed with  SCAR-L's, FN-Minimi's, RPG's and other small arms, they are headed straight towards the enemy lines. After they establish a beachhead, they are only 3 kilometers away from the fortress of Schielde. They could also now see it's silhouette and it towers the surrounding forests and hills.

The plan was to draw out the enemy forces towards an open area. Then from there, they could at least diminished the enemy forces by the use of the tanks and associated naval gunfire.

"Remembrance and Response are positioning to designated waypoint. Gun's hot, ready to fire anytime!" a marine shouts as he passed down the report to his comrade.

Meanwhile out at sea, the frigate Pioneer and the corvette Lilac are sprinting towards the port of Schielde. This is an attempt to destroy the ships as they are leaving. The small mouth entrance of the port ensures that once they sunk a number of ships, they could easily create a barrier of driftwood, thus the trapped ships are sitting ducks for their 76mm guns.

"Ships are beginning to get underway, they are reaching the mouth."

"Batteries release! Fire at will!"


The thunderous Super Rapid Oto Melara 76mm, opened fire.

"Target hit! No! Des... Destroyed!" the spotter reacted that way as the first salvoes, completely destroyed the wooden sailing ship.

The Pioneer who is sailing behind them also let out a salvo.

The crew stand speechless as the one sided battle is completely destroying the enemy fleet.

They didn't expect that the modern Cardonian Navy would engage in a naval battle this one sided.

They were firing 5km off the coast.



"Where did the attack came from?! And what kind?!" the man in red and black uniform done in what seems to be dozens of medals.

"It's... From the east, admiral. The weapons used are probably the latest weapon in the Central continent. We have no way of countering them." a soldier replied.

"The Lord's ship was easily destroyed. Get everything underway! Launch the wyverns, the ships, EVERYTHING!!!"

"These lowly Archesian's are getting help from the Central's, this is not good". Exclaimed the Empirial Admiral as he look out of the window overviewing their massive ships dock at the small port.


The two grey ships continued throwing murderous shells towards the helpless Empirial Ships. Within minutes dozens of ships the Empire took pride of, are reduced to floating driftwood. The cries of the injured sailors echoed throughout the port.

"Air contact! 24 of them!"

Wyverns sent out on patrol earlier were able to return back. And they are deadset on attacking the grey ships that are mauling their fleet.

"EXECUTE TARGET! FIRING BIRDS!" the XO aboard the Pioneer ordered.

From the shore, the two ships looked like they've exploded as they launced 24 ESSM missiles to execute the incoming wyverns. The massive smoke gave the Empirial soldiers a false sense of security as they thought that the enemy ships destroyed themselves.

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