Chapter 98 - Ceasefire

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The large Cardonian flagship has been moored at the entrance of the bay. Two smaller Flower class corvettes then serves as the Endeavour's close bodyguards as they stick in front of the large amphibious assault ship. The Emperor and two R-Class frigates sits quietly behind the ship with a considerable distance, they were providing the air defense of the small fleet. And not far away, an Azalean Battleship were anchored near the coast.

The Dylaslans and Scharenians were in awe of the small collection of grey ships that were giving an ominous silhouette. They have a few ironclads and steamships that were tied on the city's largest port, but based on the stories and rumors of merchants, a single Cardonian ship is more than enough to take on eight Dylaslan Capital ships along with a few airships.

The city were then buzzed by two Dylaslan airships. Speeding at almost 50 knots at almost 500 feet, they were awfully fast.

The Cardonian's were still astounded with this magical airships as they observe them on their radar screens. They were heavy for their size but they can zoom in as fast as a little Cessna.

General Lazar is aboard on one of the two airships, and they are headed towards the Cardonian flagship.

They flew close towards the it's two vanguards, the Corvettes. Both parties are keen in observing each other's ships.

It has been days of backdoor negotiations and formal letters, and finally a formal ceasefire agreement sigmalling the cessation of armed conflict between the two countries is going to be signed, this is prelude before an actual peace treaty could be drafted.

This procedure was the idea of the Azaleans who would be the third party overwatching the agreement. They suggested that they would be the one brokering the peace treaty and it would set on the Azalean Capital a month away from now.

The previous negotiations on the field was not acceptable for the stingy Azaleans and they want to witness first hand that a ceasfire agreement were in place before oeace negotiations could be held.

This seems to be troublesome for the Cardonians who thought that they could sign a peace treaty on the get go and move on.

Being the highest ranking Dylaslan official on Scharen. General Lazar would be representing the Kingdom of Dylasla.

The airship's then slowed down and began lining up on the side of the Endeavour. Her flight deck is only occupied by a lone fully armed AH-64D Apache. On the bow, a small table and four chairs were set up right in the middle of the markings of the first helicopter spot.

A small collection of the Prince Battalion are on their ceremonial dresses, armed of course with their black Scar's. They would be providing security for the Rear Admiral that would be representing Cardonia and an Archesian translator. A small Azalean delegation who would serve as witness were composed by the battleship's captain and a couple of his officers. They were the only people present on the ship's deck.

But the people on the bridge, the ship's Captain and his complement and reportedly the Regent were quietly watching behind the dimly litted bridge.

The large airship ornamented in gold then came alongside the Endeavour. Brandishing her long guns, the Dylaslans weren't going to be upped by the Cardonians when it comes to pride. However they wouldn't be able to compete the large Cardonian flag flying majestically on the ship's mast.

With a wooden plank, the two ship's were then connected.

A dozen of Dylaslan guards then disembarked, quickly followed by General Lazar and his trusted translator.

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